Trevor & Hannah Martin

Reaching The World
"Hannah! Teach me how to disciple! I've got baby Christians in Nigeria and Dubai wanting to grow in their faith." - Anastasia

Anastasia is mentoring two youth across the world who are growing in their young faith. Hannah has helped her to figure out how to help these baby Christians to grow as disciples of Christ. Anastasia is also a Residence Advisor on campus this year helping 1st year students through the difficult transition of not only leaving home for the first time, but doing it during a pandemic. She is bringing the light and hope of Jesus to these students on campus.

One of Hannah's other disciples, Sarah, is learning how to love her roommates who are Indian international students. Hannah and Sarah have spent the semester learning about Hinduism and how to bring Jesus into a story that they can better understand. Sarah has grown in her love for God as she prays for and loves her roommates.

Nobody is too far from Jesus' love. Please pray for Sarah and Anastasia as well as the people they are trying to help take steps towards Jesus.

As for family life, we are doing the best that we can here, by the grace of God.  Hannah has dug back into the science side of her brain and has done different science experiments with Amelia. We have made musical instruments, sprouted pea plants, made water 'walk' from one jar to another, and blown up a balloon using baking soda and vinegar. We even got to play in the snow this week! We try to go for walks daily as a family and try to keep to a routine for all our sanity. We have decided to keep Amelia home from all her usual childcare, and balancing work and taking care of her is sometimes difficult. But it has been a joyous time of discovery and spending time together. 

We are sad to let you know that unfortunately we had had a miscarriage a couple of weeks ago. Hannah did not feel well physically for almost a week, but is doing better now. Emotionally it has also been hard especially as it is our second miscarriage. In the midst of this, we know that our God is good, for us and in control.

We wanted to bring you, our faithful supporters, a financial update:

This year, by God's grace and through many of you giving generously, we had a good financial year. This was highlighted by 3 new monthly partners joining our team and 3 partners increasing their monthly support. We had 5 partners who had to stop their giving. One pleasant surprise, was that we were blessed by 8 large one-time gifts that were outside of our regular expected recurring donations. These large one-time gifts have helped us to maintain a healthy financial position in the short-term.

In the long-term however, our monthly expenses have on average been exceeding our revenue in the past 2-3 years by $600-$800 per month. So, we are looking to raise about $700/month more in monthly support to reduce our average monthly deficit. If you OR someone you know could contribute towards this, please go to, call 1-855-P2C-GIVE or get in touch with us!

Thank you to all of you who have partnered with our ministry financially, in prayer, or both, whether recently or faithfully for a long time.

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Some links you might like
1) Christmas Greeting from our National Director
2) O Holy Night
3) Hannah's favourite Christmas dessert

God is doing amazing things through these students.
Please pray that God would
bring hope to a weary world
through these faithful students.

Thank you for all your support in helping students discover Jesus

To give financially to our ministry:
go to or call 1-855-P2C-GIVE
Our mailing address is:
151 Cavelletti Court
Waterloo, Ontario N2K 3X3