Russ & Meredith Martin

Responding With Prayer to the Crisis in Ukraine

The Ukrainian Needed Prayer. The Russian Volunteered.

Christianity Today recently wrote this article describing a tearful scene from an emergency prayer meeting convened by the Lausanne Movement, with which we serve.

Angela, a Ukrainian, described, "As I heard Alexey’s heartfelt prayer for me, my family, and my country Ukraine, I could not contain my tears. His pain was real. His words reminded me that I was part of a family not based on nationality, skin color, or status. Only Jesus. Out of all the people that God could have used to comfort me that day, He used a Russian brother to give me a glimpse of His heart."

Russ' team works behind the scenes, making sure that all the details are coordinated so that the right people can join meetings like this and the technology "just works" to connect people across geographic boundaries for global mission - and in this case, an essential moment of prayer.

WBC Friends, your faithful support enables moments of global collaboration like this. Thank you for your friendship and your partnership in leading the next generation of global missions.

Photos below:
A. Heath's 6 year old birthday gift from his grandparents - a Bible to match his siblings. He recently made a personal decision to follow Jesus!
B. Gwen loves thick, black soy sauce.
C. For Chinese New Year, Meredith made traditional, allergy-friendly treats - pineapple tarts.