Ray & Carol Jones

Dear Friends,                                                                                                            

Warmest greetings from Carol and I here in Cold Canada!


We are now in our forty-fifth year of dealing with North American winters. It certainly has been quite an experience since we first began to learn how to deal with icy roads, snow squalls, blizzards and ‘white outs.’ That’s when the air gets so full of snow that one literally cannot see what’s ahead! But, many have prayed for us and so far the Lord has seen us over thousands of miles in safety.

We were with New Tribes Mission for thirty-five years, serving mostly in Canada, but also visiting various countries on mission business and speaking at conferences. For the last ten years our ministry has been, and still is; speaking in churches across Ontario, mentoring various ones, bible studies, prayer meetings, witnessing and serving on the board of guelphbiblecc.com.  GBCC is a large Christian Conference providing ministry for children to seniors. A few years ago some friends and I began another ministry called “Committing To Faithful Men.” We meet twice yearly at GBCC with the goal of helping young men to function in an from their local churches. It is so good to see these young men come with a desire to learn and grow.

Unfortunately Carol’s health has been poor for the past thirty-five years so she has been unable to be with me. But we are one and share in the ministry,  in different ways, of course.

Some of our greatest joys are; hearing of those who were our students in NTM days, seeing souls saved and churches established in remote tribal areas; seeing souls saved through our immediate witness (some already with the Lord) and ministering to the Lord’s people as He leads.

We are blessed in having a great family and enjoy keeping in contact with them. We don’t see Gareth and family often as they live in Arizona but do enjoy speaking on the phone.

Life hasn’t always been easy at times; perhaps our greatest sadness, mostly due to Carol’s health situation, is our inability to spend time with you, our dear faithful friends and our family back in England. But we do know that One Day we will be reunited see all who have trusted Christ as their own personal Saviour again and will see Him Face to face.

God hath not promised skies always blue,
Flower-strewn pathways all our lives through;
God hath not promised sun without rain,
Joy without sorrow, peace without pain.

But God hath promised strength for the day,
Rest for the labor, light for the way,
Grace for the trials, help from above,
  Unfailing sympathy, undying love. 

Our testimony is that the living God is faithful and has kept, provided for us, led us and blessed us over the last forty-five years since we stepped out to serve Him wherever He led. Our great thanks to all you dear friends who have blessed, encouraged and prayed for us along the way.    We plan to press on by the Lord’s grace until He comes or calls; encouraged and thankful for all your love and care.

            Carol and I wish you a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New year!

                        Yours in Christ’s service,

                                    Ray and Carol