Ray & Carol Jones - December 2023

JONES, RAY & CAROL (Guelph, ON; Itinerant Preaching/Teaching Ministry)  PRAISE: The Lord continues to lead, guide and provide. He keeps giving good opportunities to share the gospel. I invited some folk I met when out walking and four of them are coming to the Banquet & Carol service. I have twice given another of the group a ride up country to see his father. He is opposed to religion, but the Lord did give me a great opportunity to develop a good relationship with his parents and share some gospel literature. with them. We had a very good summer at Guelph Bible Conference with many hearing the gospel and the saints ministered to. PRAY: Carol continues with her health struggles and has recently met with a specialist over one area. The end result was a call from her office saying that there is nothing further she can do. The problem is that when Carol met with the doctor she seemed confused over Carol's notes. We think she may have had the wrong notes! :( Thank you for your faithful prayer for her! Please pray for my constantly busy schedule. Thankfully, my car seems quite sound, despite the mileage -or kilometerage (is that a word) - and I have very good snow tires. I continue to enjoy praying with the Wednesday evening prayer group on Zoom. Paul Hoffman does a great job leading that. We would love more to join us.