Ray & Carol - January 2020

PRAISE:  Another year of Bible studies at WBC.  We moved here nearly ten years ago and proceeded to seek to be a testimony to them. They moved but have kept in touch. Jack called just over a week ago and I arranged to visit them. He brought out a box of Bibles.  One had been given him when he was young. In the front was an inscription that Jack wanted to know if his mother had written it, or was it from the Bible? "Remember now thy Creator in the days of thy youth," He said, "I didn't do that." When I visited him it was evident that he had been saved! The Holy spirit has been faithfully on the trail of this 88 yr. old man since childhood. He is now saved and is concerned for wife.  So thankful for the elders and you all at our home assembly. PRAY:  For Jack and Evelyn and for us as we seek to be a blessing to them. We have established  a good relationship with our present neighbours and look forward to opportunities to share the gospel with them, and their family.  My diary is filling up again, which suits me, so please pray for the Lord to lead and guide in every step. Please pray for "Committing To Faithful Men" - our ministry of seeking to help young men to serve the Lord within and from their home assembly. For Carol's health and strength and for mine as we continue to seek to be used of the Lord.