Do You Know What's Next?

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We have two graduates!

We are delighted to say that between May 30 and June 11 we celebrated 2 graduations in our family. Cara graduated from Sahel Academy (high school) and Kieran graduated from the University of Waterloo with a Bachelors of Environment in International Development.

Cara has now started a degree in Applied Health Sciences in Kinesiology at the University of Waterloo. Kieran is working for a year to try and pay off some student debt and seek God's direction for next steps. Liam continues his degree in Environment, Resources and Sustainability, also at the University of Waterloo.

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We have enjoyed our time in Canada these summer months, including a week at a cottage on the beautiful Bruce Peninsula. It was great to have the kids, and Kieran's girlfriend, Mackenzie, join us for a weekend.

"So what's next for you guys?" This is a common question we get, and for obvious reasons. In short, there are still some unknowns. For now, Andrea continues her role as Personnel Coordinator for our Middle East team and Phil continues his global role helping SIM teams sharpen their ministry focus. We are grateful that these roles allow us to work from our base in Canada at present. There are some changes taking place in the leadership surrounding our current roles so once there is clear direction there, we will then have more focused discussions on where it would be best for us to locate for the next phase of ministry. We value your prayers in this.

Please pray for our niece Lorissa, her husband Taz and their one-year old son Dominic. Taz was in a motorcycle accident at the end of August and sustained a serious brain injury. Taz's recovery so far has been remarkable but please pray that he will make a complete and speedy recovery, and not be left with any long term deficits. We are glad that we can be here with family at this time.

On the road...

Thurs Sep 12 we leave Canada for a 4 week trip to:
a) attend the next module of the Integrated Mission Leadership course in the UK
b) attend a SIM leader development gathering in Italy       
c) spend a few days with Kieran and Mackenzie in Rome
d) join a Middle East team in one location for a retreat      
e) we each participate and facilitate portions of a SIM personnel leaders consultation in Kenya.
We look forward to getting home Oct 12th, just in time for Thanksgiving.

God continues to provide. As SIM completes another financial year on Sep 30, we continue to be humbled by God's provision for us each year. To each one who continues to help provide for our financial support - Thank You!
This time of transition has left us with some additional one-time financial expenses. If you are willing to help us with our ministry and transition costs you can do so through SIM Canada, or other countries, or simply contact us.

Prayer Fuel!

Praise Items

  • That we feel like we said 'good-bye' well in Ghana.

  • That Cara graduated from Sahel and Kieran from University.

  • Cara has started her Kinesiology program at the University of Waterloo.

  • That Liam has a co-op job in Waterloo this semester so this means all the kids are close by.

  • For a good week of vacation in July and generous friends who gifted us a week at their cottage.

  • For the privilege to attend the Integrated Mission Leaders Course.

  • For the provision of great affordable housing here in Canada.

Items for Prayer

  • For Cara as she adjusts to life at university.

  • For wisdom for Kieran as he considers next steps.

  • For safety in travel these next 4 weeks.

  • That the leader development event and our input will be helpful to the couple we are mentoring.

  • For an encouraging time with the Middle East team.

  • For the sessions we are leading at the personnel consultation.

  • For our continued transition to life in Canada.

  • That God would give us and our leaders wisdom as we consider where we should locate, and clarity regarding Andrea's future role.

  • That we would continue to benefit from the Integrated Mission Leadership Course.

  • For quick and complete healing for Taz.

Thanks for your interest support and prayers. Andrea and Phil