Jenn Brubacher - September 2019

PRAISE: For a safe trip to South Africa (July 16-31) where we served alongside our host couple, EJ and Koekoes, in their community of Kamieskroon. We spent a lot of time with children and youth at the public school and youth home. We ran children’s programs in very disconnected and remote villages and shared the Gospel through the story of Zacchaeus. We spent time with several churches and youth groups and even had the opportunity to be part of a radio program that EJ hosts. Aside from colds, our team was healthy! From August 24-30, I am at Conestoga Bible Camp as a counselor for Youth Camp. So far, we are having a blast! PRAY: For the school and youth home in Kamieskroon - they have limited staff and resources. Many of the students come from broken homes and have experienced things we can't begin to understand. The staff at the public school wrestle with a lot of behavioural issues in their classrooms. Pray for unity in the community; the apartheid has been over for years and a lot of brokeness remains. Pray blessing over EJ and Koekoes’ ministry as they serve on the Youth For Christ Africa and International team. Please pray for youth camp, that God would use this week to move the hearts, minds and attitudes of the campers and bring healing and transformation! And please pray for me as I begin to work at the youth centre and high schools starting September 9.