Stories from DR...

Here’s what I’ve been up to lately…

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It was a privilege and a joy to be able to help with the debrief of our DR mission trip last month. This group of 37 staff and students had spent 5 weeks making friends and sharing the gospel with Arab students. I was impressed by their energy and their love for the Arab world. This year the DR mission trip was almost entirely during the time of Ramadan. That meant that our students did a lot of their ministry late at night after the sun went down, when their friends would break their fast (their friends were less interested in meeting during the day due to the heat and the fact that they were fasting). 

Over the course of the debrief I got to meet with students one on one to hear about their experiences. Here are some of the questions I asked and their answers.

How do you think God worked through you to accomplish his kingdom work?

  • Planting seeds. I was able to share the gospel with several people and even though they may not have accepted it straight away, they have at least heard it, and I trust that God will work in their hearts if it be his will. - Kiersten, University of Alberta

Tell me about a significant moment of partnering with the Holy Spirit that stands out to you?

  • I meet a girl whose name means faith. I don't think it's a coincidence that we met. She was busy with lots of exams and the Holy Spirit prompted me to pray for her everyday. She told me that she was not Muslim because of all the contradictions and injustice that she saw in Islam. She was searching for truth. We talked about the Bible a lot and I was able to give her a Bible. - Bea, McGill University

What lessons from this mission trip are you most excited to continue to apply?

  • How to develop relationships and have spiritual conversations with people. Also, how to pray for those who don't know him yet. - Stacy, University of Toronto

Thank you for partnering with me to help make mission trips like this happen. Together God used us to help students (see pictures below) process their experiences and identify how God used them and grew them this summer.

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Financial Update:

Earlier this spring I spent a focused time doing ministry partnership development. During this time God began to provide me with the increased monthly support I require. For the next few months I will continue to raise financial support as I get back to my regular work. If you are interested in increasingly your monthly support or would like to introduce me to others interested in learning about my ministry, please let me know, 226.791.6703.
