Jenn Brubacher - July 2019

PRAISE: June was a full month! On June 2nd, I spoke at the Listowel Mennonite Church - a great opportunity to share what God is doing at Youth For Christ and what He’s been teaching me. We ended school programs and closed the year off with a barbeque. Free food never fails to bring in a crowd! On June 15, a group of 25 staff and students went to Wonderjam, a Christian concert at Wonderland. Most of the students were from our drop-in centre and don’t know Jesus. We are thankful for times like these to connect outside of program time and do life with them for a day. We leave for South Africa on July 16! We are ironing out the final details and are expectant God is going to move in mighty ways. PRAY: For safety, health and smooth travels as we go to South Africa. We are well connected with our host couple, who also work at Youth For Christ in Africa, and we are thankful for their generosity and willingness to partner with us. Pray they would be blessed, we would be able to serve them well and God would continue to work through them in their community. This is the first year we are going to South Africa (previous years we have gone to Botswana, where our host team used to live) so please pray for wisdom, that we would be intune with the Spirit and have discernment for myself and the other leaders as we guide these students into something that is also new for us. Major headaches and migraines have prevented me from serving at full capacity-- please pray for healing.