Gord Martin - Kenya trip

It has been intense! We've had 12 hour days with our trainees. It seems that I am either with them or in bed!!

Our presentations have been very well received. Our entire focus for this week is on having a Christian perspective on self awareness and our individual, God-given personal design. We have had vigorous but respectful discussions about every presentation, interspersed with generous amounts of laughter.

This is very different from previous years when our focus was on conferences with larger numbers. We are working with carefully pre-selected people who will train others with the material we are walking through this week. This afternoon they spent time working though how they will re-teach the manual we developed specifically for this occasion.

This afternoon Chris led a session on finances which was disturbingly plain for everyone. It was followed by a very frank and good spirited conversation. These are very competent people.

We have a day and a half to go with this class, finishing on Saturday at noon. On Sunday we will speak at the same church as last Sunday. The service will be followed by a joint service with leaders from other churches in Nairobi. On Monday we travel west to Lake Victoria. We will meet with church leaders there to encourage and support them.

We thank God that we have received more than enough funds to cover the cost of this Training of Trainers event. We are hoping to raise an additional 25K in order to cover the entire Vision Ministries Kenya 22/23 annual budget. If you'd like to participate, click here to see the available options https://vision-ministries.org/donate/ That amount provides for a significant portion of Ishmael's support as well as for essential travel and other ministry expenses.

For additional photos and information go to my Facebook page.

My voice is holding up well and we are getting our sleep! Thank you for standing with us in prayer!

Gord Martin