Jenn Brubacher - June 2019

PRAISE: For the opportunity to organize a prayer gathering for the Southwestern Ontario YFC staff on May 22. It was incredible to pray for each other, spend time in the Word and pause for a day to spend time with our Father. As the school year comes to an end, we are taking a group of students from all of our programs (Campus Life, Impact and drop-in) to Wonderjam, a Christian concert at Wonderland. It is an amazing opportunity to build relationships and connect with students beyond our program time. In less than two and a half months, we are off to South Africa! An old friend contacted me and wanted to give our team 4 bins of brand new clothing items. We will be going during the coldest time of year and will be spending a lot of time in mountainous areas where it snows! This is a huge blessing we can extend to others. Our Summer Students, Bryce and Abbi, are almost fully funded! I am thankful for the ways God is providing. PRAY:  For continued wisdom. This past month was flooded with heart wrenching conversations with students. God is softening hearts but as these students open up, their reality can be overwhelming, crushing and hopeless. Please pray for healing and total restoration in their lives -- that they would find hope in the One who gives life to the full. Pray also for me, that I would continue to turn to my Father and not myself in these difficult situations.