Charlotte Martin - June 2019

PRAISE:  There have been no safety, crisis, or major team issues on any of our mission trips so far. 2 of the 5 trips have wrapped up, the other 3 end in June.  We have 4 students preparing this summer to do a year long overseas internship starting in August. PRAY:  For the gospel to be shared on our mission trips in East Asia and North Africa. These teams are making friends with local students, building relationships, and having spiritual conversations. June 7th I will meet one of our missions trips in Spain to help out with their debrief time. I will be helping students process their experience and I will be in charge of leading the staff debrief portion. Pray for my travel, and wisdom in preparing.  Continue to pray for the increase in personal financial support I need. Pray that God would lead me to people who are interested in partnering with me in ministry.