Siempre Fiel - End of Camp Update

Dear friends

This weekend marks the end of a God- blessed camp season. “Siempre fiel” (Always Faithful) was the theme for the season and we have seen that in many ways: God was faithful in the preparation for camp- we had the funds necessary which many of you were a part of.

Plans had been in place for a long time to renovate the entrance to camp and one day it rained quite hard causing the front wall of the property to fall down. But God already had that covered, the funds were there and camp now has a beautiful new entrance.

For many years Lighthouse of Hope Camp has had campers come from the surrounding neighbourhoods, but this was the first year that some of those campers came back as junior councilors. I (Jessie) saw girls who I first got to know as young girls in the youth group take their place as councilors and lead children to Christ. It is a beautiful thing to see how God’s multiplication works. We saw our older youth who we have been working with on their leadership abilities, blossoming at camp. One young man has been doing a weekly Bible study with the boys from his cabin and bringing them to church.

Our church has also been going through a period of strengthening and growth and between camp and the growth at church we have a group of 13 people who want to be baptized at the end of April.

We are thankful for how God has been working and feel privileged to have been involved as He grows His kingdom. Please pray for faithfulness and strength in our church as we disciple and encourage all those who have made steps of faith in the last couple months.

As always, thank you for your prayers and support,

Raul and Jessenia Espinoza 
