Youth for Christ Update

Hello Friends and Family!

God has been teaching me a lot about trust in my life and ministry. We are well acquainted with the passage in Proverbs 3 that says to “Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding.” To say this and to live it out are two very different things. As God challenges me to actively surrender and trust Him with my whole heart, I see Him doing the same with students.

I have been praying for Kyle (name changed) for months. He’s faithfully come to drop-in for two years but keeps everyone at arm's length. He can be loud, obnoxious and shuts conversations down with ease. But God is changing Kyle’s heart. It is hard putting these moments into words because the magnitude of what God is doing here is indescribable. Kyle has opened up about his fears, insecurities, family and the daily struggles he has. As he trusts me and as I trust God to give me wisdom, the Lord is stirring a hope in Kyle that he has never experienced before. Join me in praying for students like Kyle, that they would continue to be drawn to the hope and life of Jesus as He restores them right now.

This was my third year coaching the Listowel high school senior girls volleyball team with my supervisor, Kevin. To say the least, we were really good at losing! But the biggest win of the season came as we built relationships and had conversations about religion, identity, life decisions, God, home life and what they do on weekends. Surrendering my expectations and stepping into what God wanted for this team was humbling. I am amazed by the way God orchestrated so many moments for us to speak truth into these students’ lives, even sharing the gospel with a few of them! God is good.

As I speak at local churches and meet people in the community and back home, I take a step back and stand in awe of what God is doing here in Southwestern Ontario. God is so good and so trustworthy. To those of you who support me in prayer and financially, thank you. I am blown away by your generosity and I am humbled to be surrounded by an incredible community of people.

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All For His Glory,

Jenn Brubacher