Can life get more difficult?

In November, we shared that the first half of the school year was difficult for us on multiple fronts. We were looking forward to some relief in the new year as we felt like we had our feet a little more settled. But that wasn't the case. 

In the beginning of February a major issue with the student leaders on one of our campuses was brought to light. There had been bitterness, mistrust and abuse of power throughout the year that had been hidden in fear and shame for 8 months.  Trevor spent 15+ hours that week, listening to painful stories from students that he cares deeply for.  He had to hear stories of how certain people he trusted had been lying straight to his face. These stories and stress of the situation became too much for him. This was the 'needle that broke the camel's back' after all the stressors that we've faced in the last couple of months.  It was affecting his sleep and his ability to think clearly. For the last 3 weeks, Trevor has been in hospital getting mental health help. We're working toward him being released in the next week or two as he's been more stable for the last 8 days.

It has been a hard time for us as a family. Often it feels like a horrible nightmare that we just want to wake up from. We have been blessed to have our families, friends and church come around us during this time. We could not be walking through these days without their prayers and practical helps. 

We have had to lean hard into God through this time. A verse that Trevor has been holding onto is:
"Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you. Not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your hearts be troubled, neither let them be afraid." (John 14:27). 

Please continue to pray for us as we walk through this difficult time in life. There are some specific prayer requests at the end of this email. 


  1. Trevor is getting better with medication and is able to sleep again. 

  2. We have an amazing support system that God has given to walk with us through this time. 

  3. Amelia has been a champ during this time and has been willing to roll with all the changes.


  1. Trevor would respond well as we introduce new life stressors back into his life. 

  2. Trevor would have a good relationship with his counsellor. 

  3. Hannah would be able to juggle work and taking care of Trevor and Amelia. 

  4. Everyone involved in helping Trevor, Hannah and Amelia would be healthy physically and emotionally.