Robert & Susan - February 2019

PRAISE:  K was released Nov. 2017.  He called today to thank us for the positive contributions into his life while in prison. His family is doing well and his business is running successfully.  B is grateful for his salvation and speaking boldly for the Lord Jesus and inviting others to the chapel services and programs. Pray that he would rely daily on the Lord for strength to overcome temptations.  PRAY:  P has faced several significant set backs. Pray that he keeps his focus on the Lord and “runs with endurance the race that is set before him”.  S lost his mother and is trying to connect with his sister following 6 yrs of estrangement. B,R,J have recently been released and have significant hurdles to overcome in order to successfully reconnect with their loved ones.  Z, young and angry and sad. We had our first contact a week ago. Pray that he would find his answers in the gospel.