Phil & Andrea - March 2019

PRAISE:  For safe travel to Canada and South America; for the opportunity to see our boys; that the Bolivia strategic review retreat went well; for the opportunity to do review with the Paraguay team; for great times together with Dan & Christie and that the car troubles while travelling were not worse; that SIM Ghana has a new Business Manager starting in July!  PRAY:  For Andrea as she supports one of our North East Indian families with the birth of their child; safe travel for Phil going to North East India to visit the churches and families of our colleagues we have in Ghana from there; that these churches will have a better understanding of the ministry their people are involved in here in Ghana; for wisdom for Phil as he spends several days with Directors from several Asian countries as they define their strategic ministry focus; that Phil would have clear direction as he shares with church leaders and donors in Singapore on Mar 22; that God would clearly guide the person interested in the Personnel Coordinator's position; for good interactions during our first module of our Integrated Mission Leadership course in the UK. (Andrea's ability to attend is dependent on the arrival of our colleagues baby - due the same week as we are to be at the course.)