Jenn Brubacher - March 2019

PRAISE: This month I had the opportunity to speak at Listowel Community Church. It was encouraging meeting other members of the community who walk alongside Youth For Christ in so many ways. Our new intern, Melissa, has almost all of her support in! We are thankful for her and what she brings to our team This past weekend, we took youth and volunteers to the Today’s Teen conference-- it was a great time of learning and worship. In July, we are taking a group of 8 grade 12 and fifth year students to South Africa. We are encouraged as we have our team confirmed and details continue to come together. PRAYER: This March Break, members from our team are taking a group of youth to Florida. For many of the students, this is their first time leaving the country. Pray for safety, healing and transformation as the youth hear the good news of Jesus Christ! At the youth centre, there are several youth who are experiencing severe challenges in their life. As some face court dates, addiction and mental health issues, pray for them and our team as we lead, guide and direct them towards Christ.