Richard & Marina Haverkamp

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ at WBC,

Greetings in the name of our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ, the One Who loved us and gave Himself for us. “Through the Lord’s mercies we are not consumed, because His compassions fail not. They are new every morning; great is Your faithfulness.” Lam.3:22-23. Amen and amen.

It is time to bring you up to date as to what is happening with us, but before I do that, we first of all want to thank you for your prayers and your continued financial support, which is really, really appreciated. Thank you for so faithfully standing with us. May the One we serve together truly bless and reward you, you are certainly laying up treasures in heaven.

I have good news for you, your help is helping me to get the Word of God out to Belgium again. At a church’s request in Belgium I made a message on Zoom and sent it there. It was used by several churches and also put on YouTube. Three more messages were sent, Ron Bauman helping to record them, and by now some 6000 times these messages have been listened to. I sent a fifth message a week ago and it has already been heard some 500 times, praise God. I am reaching more people now than if I were living in Belgium. Who would have ever thought that Richard would preach in Belgium again? Please pray for all the listeners, that their hearts may be touched and their lives changed. I get enthusiastic responses with the request, “Send us more.” However, to be honest, I find it difficult and tiring to preach to a camera without having people there. But it is satisfying to be able to do this in spite of our physical difficulties.

Marina is not doing very well, she is very weak and sleeps a lot, pray for her please. I had an ultrasound of my aorta aneurysm a few weeks ago. The next morning the doctor called me and said that it has increased to 5 cm, after staying at 4.5 cm the past two years. Once it gets to 5.5 cm, surgery will be required, so that will likely be some time next year. It is going to be difficult as Marina is not going to be able to look after me during the recovery period which is from 3 to 6 months or even one year. Please pray that the Lord will give us wisdom in knowing what to do and how to go from here.

However, in spite of our problems we continue to rejoice in the Lord, one day at a time.

I guess that’s all for now. Many thanks again in Jesus’ name for your help and encouragement.

God be with you and keep you until we meet at His feet.

Loving greetings.

Yours, still in His service,

Richard and Marina.