Back at Work: Please Pray

Help Students' Friends Know Jesus

For this update, we're doing something a little different. Hannah has asked the girls that she is discipling to share where their friends are at spiritually. And then we want to ask, would you be able to pray for them? If we can help train students to share their faith, imagine how many more people can hear about Christ and see Him lived out than if we just tried to share our faith on our own. Please read below and pray with us:

*non-christian names have been changed
Hannah H (Discipleship Group Leader)

*Mandy - suffers from extreme anxiety. Just broke up with her long time boyfriend. Trying to find stability in life again. 

Anastasia (Prayer Coordinator)
*Darren: to return to the faith, to be healed from the emotional and mental trauma that plagues him, to not seek love in those who only have so limited amount of love to give but again seek Christ and trust the Lord amidst his pain.  That the devil will not steal this one away from God (please). 
*Kayla: That God would reveal to me how to love her and will begin to work on her heart and equip me to love on her the way He would have me. That her pride be broken and she be freed from the lies that she cannot be more than a mental illness (that she strongly identifies with)

Katherine (Evangelism Coordinator)
*Katelyn and Sarah: both are quite closed to talking about Christianity even though they are very good friends of Katherine and knows that Jesus makes a big impact in her life. Pray that their eyes would be open to the truth of the Gospel, that they would recognize their need for a Saviour, 
For Katelyn, that she would come to see God as a God who loves her and welcomes her and wants to hear from her, and for Sarah, that she would see that God isn't scary or weird, but that life with Him is exciting and free, and not rule-oriented or "religious". Katherine is staying with Sarah and her family for 4 months next year during a co-op term. 

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Top: We had a Jesus Week booth where we asked people what they believe about Jesus and Christianity
Below: We had a UW women's event talking about singleness, dating & marriage

Trevor Back at Work

Thanks so much for those of you who faithfully have prayed for me (Trevor) over the past number of months. The first few months of this year were probably the most difficult of my life. Yet, by God's grace, I have been steadily recovering from my mental health crisis since I was released from the hospital in mid-April. It has been a team effort! My family, church family, counselling, recovery groups along with your support and prayers have helped me to come to a place where I can now gradually return to work over the next couple of months. Currently, I am working on a couple of short-term projects as I seek to find a more permanent role that is a good ministry opportunity for me and for the Kingdom. Please pray for wisdom and the Lord's direction!

Lastly, below are a couple of recent pictures of Amelia. One as we helped her Grandpa to rake and the other of her first time skating! Thanks so much for your continued partnership in the gospel.

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