Phil & Andrea - January 2019

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Please join with us to Praise God...

  • For a good end to the semester for each of the kids and a safe flight for Cara.

  • For a good few days at the beach before Christmas.

  • That the boys have had good times over Christmas with family and friends in Canada.

  • That Liam can live at Phil's sister's place and commute to work for his co-op placement.

  • For good times celebrating Christmas with friends.

Please pray

  • For Kieran and Cara returning to classes the week of Jan 7.

  • For Liam starting his co-op job Jan 7.

  • For safe travel for Phil to make a 'flying' visit to the Good News Bible Church Pastors and Leaders Conference Jan 2 & 3. This is likely his last chance to see some of these leaders.

  • For safe travel for Andrea and Phil as they make a last visit Jan 8-18 to the team and various friends in northern Ghana - we don't expect to get north again before we leave in June.

  • For Phil in Ethiopia at the end of the month for the pilot of the Ministry Evaluation development.

  • For wisdom for Andrea in her Ghana and Middle East roles and safety while Phil travels.

Thanks for praying for us.
Phil & Andrea