
I would like to say a big thank you to you for the gift of $1,241 you provided in December for our personal support as well as for various VMC projects. It's making a huge difference.

So much is happening!

You have heard about the Persian church in Toronto before. But they have experienced quite remarkable growth in the past year on a regular Sunday and they now have about 175 people coming. Besides that 70 or so are coming to a midweek Bible study and another 60 are coming to a midweek Bible study that is being held at the Richvale Bible Chapel in Richmond Hill. Just this morning I was talking to Pastor Siamak and he was telling me that on this Friday evening they have 12 couples who will be renewing their vows in a Christian ceremony. This is a huge step for them! Of course all of them were raised as Muslims and married as Muslims, now they want to dedicate their lives as couples to Christ and to Christian marriage.

I don't know if you know this, but for about 15 years Ethiopia was under communist rule. A very harsh rule! We are finding that Ethiopians and Eritreans who have come to Canada for refuge are starting churches everywhere. Many of them have suffered severe persecution and violence in their home countries. Their faith in Christ is very real.

This coming weekend Heather and I will be going to Ottawa. I will be meeting with a group of 12 to 15 pastors on Saturday morning for breakfast, will meet with several of their leadership groups later that day and will speak twice on Sunday, once at Pine Grove Bible Church and once at an Eritrean Fellowship later in the afternoon. Besides that, we are planning to enjoy some time with our son Chad and his family who live just south of Ottawa.

Thank you again for your generosity.