Ray & Carol - September 2018

PRAISE: For our WBC family and particularly for Ron Bauman's help with my PPT; for a very encouraging month at guelphbiblecc.com - souls saved, camps mostly full, and three excellent weeks of Family Camp; for a pretty full diary for the next few months; looking forward to seeing many of my old friends as the Lord opens the door for ministry; that Carol’s attitude and walk with the Lord is commendable and a good testimony to the Lord's grace and sufficiency. PRAY: For Carol's health, and for both of us in that area; I am hoping to visit our son in Arizona in November - pray for the many aspects of that, particularly regarding Carol coping while I'm away; for the next "Committing To Faithful Men"event October 19-20 - this is designed to help young men serve the Lord in and from their local assemblies (very well appreciated and attended so far); pray that the Lord would impress elders to send their young men and encourage them to