Summer Update

Ministry during July and August has continued despite summer scheduling within the prison institutions and the heightened tensions for both guards and inmates when temperatures and humidity rises.  (No A/C behind prison walls)

This morning, Howie*, a newer inmate to maximum security informed me that summer is no longer his preferred season of the year. The heat, humidity and limited cooling breezes make prison life in the summer all that much harder.  And yet he continued by saying he is grateful to God because he believes his arrest and incarceration is a disciplinary but merciful intervention by God to rescue him from where he had strayed and to bring him back to fellowship again with his heavenly Father. 


Gary* has been attending Alpha. He finds the message refreshing and he said it this way, “I can literally drink it! It is truly refreshing!” 

Isn’t that just what the Lord Jesus promised we would discover when we come to Him?

Jesus stood and cried out, "If anyone thirsts let him come to me and drink.”  Then to the woman at the well He said, "...Whoever drinks of the water that I shall give him will never thirst… the water I shall give him will become a fountain of water springing up into everlasting life,” John 4:14.

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Pray for Jeff*, Brent*, Howie* and Gary* as they grow in their new life in Christ. I meet weekly with each of them for Bible study. Pray that they would successfully live out their faith, choosing a Christ-like attitude as they respond to the unpredictable prison conditions and constant close association and proximity with others. * real names not used

Pray for continued access into institutions and good relations with chaplains and security.

Beginning in September there will be several more men cleared to begin attending church with us Sunday mornings. Pray that this weekly opportunity to leave the prison environment and join our church family would encourage and help them to grow in their faith.

We are very thankful for all of you who continue to faithfully pray for us because prayer is vital. We need wisdom and courage for each encounter as we share the gospel. 

Enjoy these last few days of summer and may the Lord Jesus, the Living Water, be your source of refreshment and the One who truly satisfies your heart always.


Robert and Susan