Update After The Wedding!

Dear church family at Wallenstein,

For the very first time I am writing you as Mrs. Jessenia Espinoza! I want to thank everyone who was praying for the wedding. It was beautiful and had the added blessing of lots of family and friends who came from Canada. We felt surrounded by love and support. I am so thankful to God for giving me the wedding of my dreams, even though I was so far from home.

Now Raul and I are settling in to normal life. Youth has begun again after “summer” break and the youth leaders have decided to try something new. Youth group is technically for adolescent youth and so the older youth are feeling out of place and many have stopped coming. This year we want to include the older youth in organizing the games and (we want to) have a separate Bible study for them. This has been our desire for a few years now and we are finally trying to put it into action. Pray that this would be an encouragement to the older youth and that they would learn valuable leadership skills.

School has been in session again since late April, and things in the sponsorship office are running smoothly. There is extra help right now as we have an American girl who is here for a year and a Canadian university student who is here for 2 months.

Please pray for Raul and I as we organize life together. There are many needs in our community, and we have many dreams of things we want to do. We need wisdom as to priorities and time management and God’s guidance as to what He would like us to get involved in.

As always, thank you so much for your prayers and support. We would not be here
without you behind us.

Jessenia and Raul