Phil & Andrea - December 2018

PRAISE:   For a good opportunity to develop a relationship with Dan & Christie who we will be mentoring for the next 2 years; for the privilege of having personal visits with new Middle East team members and having a weekend retreat with the team; that Liam has a job for his co-op term in January; that Kieran has a supervisor for his thesis.  PRAY:   For our kids as they finish various assignments and write exams for this semester; for Andrea as she prepares for orientation of new personnel for Ghana; for Phil as he is in Kenya until the 7th for the first face-to-face meeting with the new SIM International Leadership Team; for a safe flight home for Cara on the 14th; for a good Christmas season for the boys in Canada and Cara with us in Ghana; that Liam will find a place to live in Orangeville and someone to sublet his room in Waterloo.