Robert & Susan - November 2018

PRAISE:  For an average of 50 men at the Alpha course at one of the institutions; for the Love and Respect program we facilitate (12 guys/session) - this has been beneficial for the men and also a springboard to discuss how God has a plan not only for our marriages to be successful but a plan for us as individuals to know God personally.   PRAY:  Pray for the seed of the word of God to fall on fertile soil. So many of these men hide their inner hurts and misgivings behind a very tough angry exterior.  We cannot see their hearts but God can and He knows exactly what they need! For men during their last several months of incarceration - often they find this segment harder than the beginning - pray that their faith would remain strong.  I am burdened that the gospel would not be misunderstood - pray that the Holy Spirit would clarify it in the minds of men as they are confronted. Pray for wisdom and protection and favour with chaplains and security so we maintain access to various levels of security.  We facilitate the Alpha program now in 3 separate institutions. Pray for the salvation and encouragement for those who attend. For continued joy and encouragement and strength for Susan’s parents as they age.