October Newsletter

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Therefore, as you received Christ Jesus the Lord, so walk in Him, rooted and built up in Him and established in the faith, just as you were taught, abounding in thanksgiving. - Colossians 2:6-7

The foundation of Christ Jesus is what produces abundant thanksgiving! Through faith we receive Him, walk in Him, and are rooted and built up in Him. As a result, we can’t help but be abounding in our gratitude to Him for His abundant grace.

Men in prison are hearing the message of Jesus Christ and finding a solid footing, grateful for the meaning they have found in their lives, despite their incarceration. There is no other message that offers the hope we have in Christ Jesus.

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We trust you also are grateful enjoying the blessings that are bountiful… especially at this time of the year. It is our confidence to know the Lord of the Harvest. And in fact it is His knowing us that anchors our hearts. His daily supply is granted to us with intentional care and love.

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David*…has done 7 years in prison and was recently released to a halfway house. He has trusted Christ as Saviour and wants to follow Him but so much yet to learn about the sanctified life. Choosing the right friends/associates is a challenge.

JoeBartHenryRoy*…these four men have some Bible knowledge but no understanding of the Truth.“They are deluded with plausible arguments.” Colossians 2:4 
Pray that God would mercifully open their eyes and hearts to give them the knowledge of the Truth in Jesus Christ.* real names not used

There were outbreaks of serious violence at Millhaven Institution last month. This peaked the unrest between guards and inmates again causing even more stress and fear in lives. Pray for wisdom to prevail on all sides.

Pray for our ability to understand and sympathize appropriately with men who are being unjustly/unfairly treated by their authorities as they work through their correctional plan. We want to identify with them to bring support and comfort and yet encourage their respect and submission to authority. We want to encourage them to believe and trust that God rules and overrules in every situation.

Pray for us as we minister inside the Kingston federal institutions that we would faithfully present the gospel message at every opportunity and that men would grow, being rooted and built up in Jesus Christ, established in the faith.

With grateful hearts for all God's blessings,
Robert and Susan