Trevor & Hannah Martin - October 2023

MARTIN, TREVOR & HANNAH (Waterloo, ON; Power to Change) PRAISE: For God's faithfulness and provision in our lives and ministry. That Hannah is able to return to in-person at the University of Waterloo, but please also pray for the extra work/effort and change in routine that this opportunity involves. PRAY: For the hundreds of students who attended our regional Summit retreats at the end of September and that they would be encouraged/inspired to take steps of faith towards Christ. For the new interns on Hannah's Waterloo Team and that they would adjust well and grow in their ministry skills and work/life balance.

Russ & Meredith Martin - October 2023

MARTIN, RUSS & MEREDITH  (Singapore; Power to Change / Lausanne Movement)  PRAISE: 

God's provision of a designer to help Meredith as she seeks to develop a Seoul 2024 congress brand prototype. Good movement with partners as Russ finalizes a partnership for a key part of Lausanne's digital platform strategy. Encouraging discipleship moments as participants in our community group take courageous steps of faith to go deeper with Jesus amongst challenging family and relational circumstances. PRAY: For God's provision of term 2 school fees for our children. For effective deployment of the congress brand in mid-October. For wisdom as Russ serves on a committee deciding registration fees (Oct 2-3) for majority world participants in the Seoul 2023 congress.

Robert & Susan - October 2023

MARTIN, ROBERT & SUSAN (Kingston, ON; Kingston Prison Ministry; MSC)  PRAISE/PRAY:   Thankful for the Christian chaplain that started at Bath Institute on the 18th. Wonderful to be able to share support and likemindedness with him. E was released to a halfway house on the 19th;  pray for a healthy relationship with his mother and that he would be able to connect with a supportive caring church. C and I have parole hearings in October. I will be attending with C to provide moral support. Pray for comfort, wisdom and strength as Susan carries out tasks of emptying her mom’s apartment as well as other “tidying up” responsibilities.

Charlotte Martin - October 2023

MARTIN, CHARLOTTE  (Guelph, ON; Power to Change)  PRAISE: For a chance to get away with my sister for a few days and celebrate a milestone birthday I have coming up at the end of the year. Lots of details are coming together for 2024 mission trips - Websites are updated, applications are open, and we have 8 almost 9 of the 12 trip directors needed.  PRAY: This weekend (September 28-October 1) we start mission trip promotions at our fall retreats. Pray that many students would see the value of going on a mission trip and start applying. We are hoping for 40 students to go in 2024. Pray as I prepare to lead in person meetings for my team October 17-20.

J&R K - South Asia - October 2023

J&R  (South Asia; Frontiers)  PRAISE:  Praise the Lord for a good turnout at our weekly alternative service Sundays for students exploring Christianity or faith in general. J heads up these services weekly. PRAY: For hearts and eyes to be opened. Pray this month as we’ve been affected by the recent political tensions between our country of service & Canada. We’ve been restricted to the campus for our safety by government authorities. Pray that we’d be able to continue to work and serve and that the movement ban would be lifted soon.We’re thankful for a supportive praying community here during this time.