Raul & Jessenia Espinoza - Ecuador

Espinozas in Ecuador

“The Lord is good, a stronghold in the day of trouble; And He knows those who trust in Him." Nahum 1:7

Hello dear Wallenstein family,

Summer seems to have slipped away on us! Here is an update on what's been going on in our corner of the world!

Youth began in June and it has been a joy to be with the Bastion young people again. We began with a planning meeting, to which Raul invited some of the youth along with the youth leaders so that they could give input. However, some understood that this meeting was actually a youth event and invited friends and we ended up with around 15 youth. Instead of planning for the year, we ended up having a youth event! Though we didn’t get planning checked off our list, we were encouraged by the youth’s eagerness to be together again.

Eventually we got our planning meeting in and had our real kick-off to the youth season, complete with a baked potato bar. The youth who had come to the “planning” meeting had decided they wanted to help with the potato bar and pitched in with bringing toppings and even baking the potatoes! And they actually followed through with everything! (As you can tell by the exclamation marks, we were impressed).

There is a group of friends who come to the youth group who have started an Instagram account for themselves and call them selves in English “Team in Christ”. (It’s really cute hearing them try to say it!). They get together for meals and hang out- all with the purpose of encouraging each other to stay in Christ. Please pray for these dear youth as they struggle together to follow Jesus. Already we have seen forces at work trying to pull them a part. One of them is struggling with her sexual identity and this has caused some tension in the group.

In July we had a visit from some of our MSC leaders to give us a crash course on “risk-management”. The insecurity in Guayaquil has been steadily increasing and it was time for us to take a good look at our situation and see what measures we can take to live as safely as possible. We were grateful for the input we received, and Raul has been working with a team to create safety plans for the school in case of earthquakes, shootings outside the school, extortioners, and robbery. Bastion has never been a “safe” community, but even those who have lived there for years are feeling tense these days. Raul’s mom and step-dad live right on one of the streets where a lot of “activity” happens and have to live very cautiously. Youth group has also had to change, as we no longer feel free to just invite whoever to youth group and we carry out our meetings with the church doors closed for security measures.

Personally, we are doing well as a family. Tiago and Danilo have started playing together and we are pleased with how well they are getting along. Danilo is getting to be a fierce little firecracker and continually keeps us on our toes. Lately, because of the tension in Guayaquil, we have chosen to limit how often we go out and mostly are just at home or at the church and school. We are grateful to live in a gated community with a few playgrounds and pool in it which help us not feel too trapped.

Please pray for us as we continue to adapt to these times and yet give thanks for the assurance that we are in the Lord’s hands. There is such beauty in seeing God at work in people’s lives in spite of the ugliness that Satan has wrought in the society around them.

Thank you for your continued prayer and support as you partner with us in God’s work here in Guayaquil,

Raul, Jessenia, Tiago and Danilo

Trevor & Hannah Martin - August 2023

MARTIN, TREVOR & HANNAH (Waterloo, ON; Power to Change) PRAISE: For a bunch of new interns that are being raised up in our ministry, please pray for God to provide the support they need. That God has opened up a part-time daycare spot for Avery starting in September. PRAY: For wisdom in how to love the students at the University of Waterloo after the stabbing on campus in June. For the thousands of students who are preparing to step on a university or college campus for the first time this September. 

Russ & Meredith Martin - August 2023

MARTIN, RUSS & MEREDITH  (Singapore; Power to Change / Lausanne Movement)  PRAISE: For the addition of a teammate to help Russ in developing a digital platform plan. Enjoyable time with friends, family and ministry partners in Ontario during July. God's provision of term 1 school fees for our children.

PRAY: Good interactions with designers and stakeholders so that Meredith could hit a deadline of September 22 for release of the Seoul Congress branding. For good connections at the P2C Staff Conference in BC August 7-11. For a safe flight to Singapore on August 12.

Gord & Heather Martin - August 2023

MARTIN, GORD & HEATHER  (Waterloo, ON; Vision Ministries)   PRAISE/PRAY: Our friend Mingpeng, who works with our Chinese churches in Toronto, is in China for the month of August. Please pray that he will have a powerful influence there and also pray for his safety. The Chin conference in Winnipeg was a great time! Just over 400 attended, about half were under 20-30. So good to see them enjoying each other. They have a very long Christian heritage (Burma/Myanmar). What impact will they have in Canada? Indy is in hospital in India with a serious infection. His application for an exit permit to leave India was denied. Please pray with us as we plan to actively intercede on his behalf.

J&R K - South Asia - August 2023

J&R  (South Asia; Frontiers)  PRAISE: That R could spend two weeks with her Mom & sisters-in-law in Ireland. Their oldest son also made it safely to Canada on his own and has been enjoying the independence & time with friends. He was also able to get his G2 driver's license! For all our staffing needs for the coming year being filled! The big role of Principal was filled by a seasoned Head Teacher with overseas experience from the UK. For a smooth shift from one house at the bottom of the main campus to another at the top. We feel incredibly blessed in our new home. PRAY: For the next two weeks for R. It is an incredibly busy time administratively for the school. For all the new staff & students coming in, that they would feel welcome and settle in well. For their son flying back from Canada on his own August 11. For the start-up of our women's studies after the summer break. May we continue to have favour and open doors with these families. For  good rhythms & routines as we enter into another year - that we would protect a good balance of faith, family, work & rest.