Charlotte Martin - June 2023

MARTIN, CHARLOTTE  (Guelph, ON; Power to Change)  PRAISE: Our four mission trips are going well. There have been no major crises, and all the trips will be wrapping up in June. I am visiting our Praxis Ottawa mission trip May 30-June 4 and getting a taste of what is happening on the trip. My team almost completed our overall plan for next year, and I'm excited for the ideas we plan to pursue.  PRAY: Pray for participants as they head home from mission trips. Pray that God would guard the spiritual growth that happened in their lives on the trip. Also pray that God would continue to grow the seeds that were planted through the spiritual conversations our teams were able to have with local friends. Pray that I would know what projects and tasks to tackle this summer in preparation for next year.

J&R K - South Asia - June 2023

J&R  (South Asia; Frontiers)  PRAISE/PRAY:  Pray for stamina to finish the school year well here. Pray too for the leaving students as they head off to university & college; may the years of sowing seeds reap a harvest & may the Holy Spirit protect them from the enemy. Pray too for wisdom as we look at our roles for next year - May we entrust ourselves to the Lord and hear His voice clearly. Praise for an upcoming opportunity for Rebecca to see some family in UK in July.

Ray & Carol Jones - June 2023

JONES, RAY & CAROL (Guelph, ON; Itinerant Preaching/Teaching Ministry)  PRAISE: Carol and I continue to serve the Lord and are thankful for the many opportunities He gives to do that. Guelph Bible Conference Centre seems to have finally passed the effects of Covid, as evidenced by the numbers of folk keen to enjoy good fellowship, food (spiritual and physical) and fun. I (Ray) enjoyed seeing old friends at Wallenstein on a rare Sunday off last week. Now it's back to speaking most Sundays for a while. I'm thankful for the many opportunities to counsel so many folk who are struggling for various reasons, but.... PRAY: There seem to be an increasing number of people who are struggling for various reasons. I will be teaching the young staff again this summer at Guelph Bible CC. This is a great opportunity and I really appreciate your prayer in this. Unfortunately, it means that I can't join the prayer meeting with Paul H. and the others on Wednesday evenings, but I know they will be faithfully praying. Carol's health is a concern; she is 'struggling' with various difficulties and has recently added osteoporosis. Paramount in ministry is that the Holy Spirit would be allowed to lead and that He would use the Word of God to glorify our Lord Jesus Christ. I really appreciate your prayers for me in this.

Les & Sharon Frey - June 2023

FREY, LES & SHARON (Elmira, ON; Local Church)  PRAISE: Seniors Bible studies have come to a close for the season and many have been blessed. Many opportunities for service in speaking and marriage mentoring in May.  PRAY: Les needs an eye surgery in London to fix a displaced lens implant as soon as possible. Pray for a quick and efficient operation. Pray for us as we plan a trip to Iowa, Lord willing, June 13-July 2 to be with Elena and family, for safety and a profitable time.

Esther Frey - June 2023

FREY, ESTHER (Puerto Rico; Emmaus Correspondence)  PRAISE: General health has improved.  Lowered some medications.  Last right eye injection worked to eliminate the liquid.  Had a good seminar on LONELINESS for the seniors. Three new people are coming to the meetings on a regular basis. The chapel looks so inviting after Teamworkers worked so hard to get it painted on the inside. Brian and I enjoyed lunch with an ex-inmate and his wife. Also another student wrote that his mentoring after salvation has been the Emmaus courses. Praise God. PRAY:  We are having a camp at the chapel for seniors receiving therapy on how to walk better.  Three days of evaluations in June and then two days in July for seminars. Brian is attending the Brethren conference in Malaysia this month.  Please pray for all his flight connections and time at the conference, June 7-July 8.