Charlotte Martin (Power to Change)

Fall retreats are happening in person this year! I'm currently at a Summit retreat north of Kingston ON for 120 students from Montreal, Ottawa and Kingston. There are 3 other similar retreats happening in other locations in Ontario and Alberta this weekend.

We've already had 2 great sessions about "What is the gospel?" and "Who is the gospel for?" This afternoon I will be helping with a workshop on global missions. Here are some ways you can join in praying.


  • Pray for workshops this afternoon, that they would help students grow closer to God and be stretched in their faith.

  • Pray that during free time students would have fun with their peers and deep friendships would grow.

  • Pray for our session tonight as students and staff will be invited to lay down the things that are holding them back from fully following Jesus.

As students return home:

  • Pray that students would be excited to apply what they have learned.

  • Pray that Satan would not steal what God has been doing in the lives of students this weekend.

Wallenstein, thanks for standing with us in prayer.

Last night's sunset!

Robert & Susan - October 2022

MARTIN, ROBERT & SUSAN (Kingston, ON; Kingston Prison Ministry; MSC) PRAISE: W has found peace and confidence as he is relying on the Lord to guide him as he returns to the street early next year. P has been in contact with us and reports that he is doing well in all regards. He has been on the street for 5 years. PRAY: Pray that we would have the opportunity to start up the Alpha course in Joyceville Assessment. This is where we can establish relationships with men as they start their time in the Federal system. Pray that I would have wisdom to communicate the gospel effectively and support men in their walk as Christ followers.

Trevor & Hannah - October 2022

MARTIN, TREVOR & HANNAH (Waterloo, ON; Power to Change) PRAISE: For a national Christian counseling program that we are able to offer again to our student leaders. Please pray for students to get the support they need amidst emotional and mental health challenges. Praise God for the opportunity to do much more in-person ministry across Canada this school year! PRAY: For us as parents. Our older daughter Amelia has seemed to be much more needy recently and prone to meltdowns. She seems to enjoy school but is often very sensitive afterwards. For 7 regional student retreats across Canada. Most are on the last weekend of September. Please pray for safety, many to go and for students to be inspired and challenged in their next steps towards Jesus.

Russ & Meredith - October 2022

MARTIN, RUSS & MEREDITH (Singapore; Power to Change / Lausanne Movement) PRAISE: We have settled into our new neighborhood. Our kids have enjoyed being on baseball and soccer teams. The church plant we are a part of successfully launched in early September. PRAY: For innovative evangelistic strategies at the missional hackathon we are hosting in 40+ countries during October. For deepening relationships as we lead a "Newcomers" community group at the church plant we are a part of. For Meredith as she struggles with various health issues and skin irritations.

Charlotte Martin - October 2022

MARTIN, CHARLOTTE (Guelph, ON; Power to Change) PRAISE: The Guelph office move happened August 31 and I have passed on the role of office manager to someone new. I'm starting to get on top of things neglected in the process of making this move happen. Four fall retreats for students happened in person September 30-October 2. We have locations determined for 2023 mission trips. PRAY: For new students who have gotten involved in P2C this semester. Pray that they would find community and belonging. For staff leaders to come forward for each of our mission trips. For wisdom as I prepare to speak about global missions at two campuses in November.