J&R K - South Asia - sent July 31

Packed Full

Much of life can be described as 'packed full' these days.
The most obvious - our suitcases!

Technically, they aren't packed full entirely - not at the time of writing this article or taking the photo. But with just 48 hours to go before we board a plane, we are in the throes of our final preparations. With everything going so quickly we haven't had a chance to update many of you on the details so here is a snapshot of the last two weeks.

· July 18th: We were formally hired by the school and received our letters of invitation
· Special Mention—July 19th: “I” turned 16 and got his G1 driver’s license!
· July 20th: After filling out a record 79 documents, we applied for 5 of our visa's (anticipated wait time, 7-10 business days)
Five visas? you ask - aren't there 6 of you? Yes - however, because of L's birthplace, he required an in-person visit to the Consular. They allowed us to process his visa directly through the consulate.
· July 22nd: We went to pick up L's visa. Instead of 1, we were handed all 6 - processed in 2 days! With our visa's in hand, we booked our flights for...
· August 1st: Flights booked - leaving just enough to time to travel to our old city for some hellos & goodbyes and to collect our household belongings before heading South to the school.

With a final fly-out date on the calendar, our minds are packed full of a thousand things that must be done. Between launching our home as a short-term rental space, preparing for new positions at the school, making travel preparations, finishing work on the property - on top of connecting with a large and loving network of family, friends and church - our to-do's are multiple-page, categorized lists involving coordination not just between mom and dad, but between our active and involved children as well.

Our calendar too is packed full - it seems that the very ink on its pages has made it feel heavier. For some in our family this is the desirable rhythm of life while others are looking forward to a quieter schedule.

Suitcases, mind, calendar - all packed full. That might seem pretty overwhelming, but it doesn't stop there.

In all this, we find our hearts also packed full.
Over the past month we have been lead from one event to another where we are constantly reminded of the Lord's generous provisions over every area of our life. He's given us churches to love and support us. He has blessed us with a large and fantastic family. He has kindled new friendships while renewing old ones. He's brought us into possession of a home we can all look forward to enjoying in the future. He's opened the doors to a ministry that meets the diverse and changing needs of our family while providing opportunity to walk in obedience to the call we feel him stirring up in our hearts. Blessing upon blessing upon blessing.

He's filled our suitcases with all we have need for - taking care of all our physical needs.
He's filled our schedules with rich relationship investments - taking care of our emotional needs.
And He's filled our hearts with reminders of the work of His Spirit, both in us and around us - taking care of our spirits.

Now, we ask you to join us in prayer as we take our packed full lives to the far corners of the world with the hope that the Giver of all good gifts would use us in filling many more with His blessings.

About the School

Hebron School is located in the beautiful Nilgiri Hills of Tamil Nadu in South India. It’s a historical Christian boarding school that has been serving the needs of families for over a hundred years! J will be teaching Design & Technology to the A Level students (final 2 years of high school) and R will be working in administration in the office. We’ll both become dorm parents in the future and our kids will be attending regular classes while living with us on campus.
We are thrilled at how this place answers our desires for a good education for our boys, keeps us positioned in the land we love, introduces us to a multi-cultural environment working alongside national staff, and opens networking doors for future ministry in India. Our social & spiritual needs will be met in a team environment, and Joshua will be able to exercise his gifts for teaching & discipleship full-time.
We know the path ahead is not all sunshine and roses, but we are so thrilled and excited at God’s orchestrating this all out and meeting our need and desires in such a beautiful way.

What about the Tiny Home?

We’re so thankful for our home base here in Canada to come back to. Our boys have put down some deep roots on this soil, and we have been so blessed to have spent some time trying out our tiny space. While away, we are opening up our piece of tiny-home-paradise to short-term stays. It’s our hope that it will be a spot for weary souls to find rest and rejuvenation away from the busyness of a fast-paced world. Our website is currently under construction, but will hopefully be going live soon!
If you would like to stay, or know someone who would, please reach out to us. Booking a couple nights is a very practical way you can partner with us!

J&R K - South Asia

After a long 38 hours, we made it to our old city!
Here are a few ways you can join with us this month as we start off in our new surroundings.

PRAISE the Lord for a pretty seamless travel experience. Everything seemed to go so smoothly from the time we entered the first airport to leaving the last. Your prayers for travel mercies accomplished much!!!

PRAISE for a great sleep last night. We pressed thru an 18-hour day in order to reset our internal clocks and all had a really good rest last night.

PRAISE for good reconnections with country and people here. What a blessing to land in a familiar place for our boys and to reconnect with dear friends before embarking on the new adventure before us.

PRAY for all the details to come together with the shipping company as we arrange to have our belongings shipped to the South. Pray we’d find favour, be able to pack up quickly, and face no hidden fees or bribes.

PRAY for the journey ahead! We travel by train on Friday, plane on Saturday, and then a 6-hour taxi ride on Sunday to reach our new home. Pray we’d have strong stomachs for the taxi ride thru twisty mountain roads. A few of us struggle with car-sickness and this is a true test of fortitude, character, and endurance!

PRAY for orientation in our new roles. There will be much to take in and learn as we get ready to jump in with both feet and hands for classes on August 17th.

A tough goodbye to cousins in Canada. These guys have been like brothers to each other over our time in Canada. It has been so neat to watch our boys experience travel & South Asia through their own individual eyes. It’s been a lot of fun travelling with them.

Trevor & Hannah Martin - Power to Change

Scholarship Update 

A few months ago, we told you about a scholarship program that our ministry has been building the last couple of years. This year we are excited to announce that we had 372 applicants and 42 scholarship recipients who were awarded a total of $32,000. The whole point of this scholarship is to help students think through how they can grow in their faith and get connected into Christian community as they enter into post-secondary eduacation. Praise God for how this scholarship program is growing! More details and the list of recipients can be found here.

Quotes from Students 

Towards the end of the school year, we sent out a survey to students involved in P2C across Canada. We wanted to share with you a few of the quotes we received about how God is working in their lives. Thank YOU so much for being a part of impacting these students in their faith and lives.

"God has been working in me as I heal from loss and abuse. I am coming to know his grace and the freedom we have in him."

"I was suicidal but I was able to start therapy and learn about myself. I have better coping mechanisms and I have even been able to tell my parents about what I was going through."

"I have grown deeper in my faith and I am emboldened to share my faith with other students and the world"

Remembering Grandma Frede

On Friday, July 22, my (Trevor's) grandma passed away peacefully at Hospice Waterloo Region. Grandma was 99 years old! She had been in reasonably good health, but declined significantly in recent months. Grandma will surely be missed! We will miss her glowing smile and sense of humour. If I ever did something for her she would say "thanks a million". She loved to play the game of Parchessi and it was a joy to play with her. She had great faith in God and was a tremendous supporter of missions. Here is her obituary and some fond memories can be seen below.

Kid Corner

Trevor and his sister Lynette at Grandma's 90th Birthday

Grandma's 98th Birthday

Playing Parchessi with Grandma. She would always say "I play to win!"

Even in her 70's and 80's grandma would step up to the plate at our Annual Frede Baseball Game and she could still hit the ball!

Thank you for your support in helping students to discover Jesus!

Trevor & Hannah - August 2022

MARTIN, TREVOR & HANNAH (Waterloo, ON; Power to Change) PRAISE: That our baby Avery has been fairly receptive to being cared for by others. That Hannah's teeth and pain have greatly improved for the most part after having a root canal and some recovery issues. PRAY: For our family and extended family as we grieve the loss of Trevor's grandma (Alma Frede). For a good national staff conference in BC in early August as well as a good time connecting with some supporters out there who we haven't seen for a while. Amelia's faith and spiritual growth and for us as parents as we care for her spiritually.

Russ & Meredith - August 2022

MARTIN, RUSS & MEREDITH  (Singapore; Power to Change / Lausanne Movement)  PRAISE: Enjoyable time in Canada connecting with family, friends and supporters. Russ recovered from a mild bout of COVID-19. Was able to spend time with Russ' 99-year-old grandmother before she passed. PRAY: For effective team meetings in Singapore Aug 8-11. For 200 champions to host our #HACK event in October. For continued spiritual openness from our friends N and I.