Raul & Jessenia - June 2022

ESPINOZA, RAUL & JESSENIA (Guayaquil, Ecuador; MSC) PRAISE: For the safe arrival of our second son, Danilo (Dah-NEE-loh) Stewar on May 21. We are grateful for a problem free delivery and that mom and baby are doing well. We have encouraging news from Ecuador: several youth accepted Christ at camp and will be baptized with several other new believers from the rest of the church family. Also, the school has been functioning very well these last weeks with in-person classes and the new staff who were hired have so far shown themselves to be good additions to the school team. PRAY: For continued endurance as we navigate adjusting to being a family of four. For the new Christians at our church, both youth and adults who are learning what it means to follow Christ. This time is critical for the youth as they discover if the decision they made at camp was based on emotion or whether it will stand the test of trials and worldly temptations. For the school as staff and student body adjust to in person classes again.

Jenn Brubacher - June 2022

BRUBACHER, JENN (Listowel, YFC) PRAISE: I’m thankful for the time we had to connect with EJ, a fellow YFC staff from South Africa. We stayed and served with EJ and his wife when we took a group of students to South Africa in 2019. Our Summer Student, Eric, will be serving with us at the beginning of June. Pray for him as he makes the transition from finishing high school to serving with us. The track and field season finished well and I’m thankful for the new connections and relationships I made with staff and students. On June 24th I will be starting the Arrow Leadership program, and I’m very excited for this training opportunity! PRAY: Pray for the families in our community who have lost jobs and are struggling in finances, relationships and hope. Many students from our drop-in program have experienced significant trauma. Pray for deep healing as we continue to show them the way of Jesus. Please pray for our staff team as we switch gears and plan for summer camps and programs. We need wisdom, creativity and discernment.

Phil & Andrea - June 2022

BAUMAN, PHIL & ANDREA (Canada, International roles with SIM) PRAISE: For productive Leader Development event in Austria and concentrated time with the couple we are mentoring. For the opportunity to visit and spend time with Andrea's parents. That we can celebrate Liam's graduation on the 14th. PRAY: For Phil's travel to Germany and participation in a Europe ministry consultation (June 7-10), particularly focusing on effective partnership between organisations. For Phil's time in southern Africa (June 20-July 2) and productive conversations encouraging strategic and visionary thinking by leaders there. For Andrea as she catches up on a backlog of work from time away.

Phil & Andrea Bauman (SIM Missionaries)

Crossing Barriers...

"The 'why' guy" is a name that that has occasionally been attributed to Phil. Last year we wrote about the clarity that comes with understanding why we do what we do. We in SIM have a very clear purpose statement - our 'why we exist statement'.

Convinced that
no one should live and die
without hearing God’s good news,
we believe that He has called us
to make disciples of the Lord Jesus Christ
in communities where He is least known

We also have a Mission statement - our 'what we do statement'. One of the things we in SIM do is to cross barriers with the good news of Jesus. We have the privilege to help colleagues translate these statements into action.

We live in a world where there are a huge number of good things we can do. Working in church planting, youth and children's ministry, community development, healthcare, education are all good things. Doing those things (or others) as we make disciples is what brings kingdom value. 

In bringing water to the city of Nimes the Romans had some decisions to make. What route would they take to get water from the springs to the city? We don't know all the options but the chosen route involved the building of the Pont du Gard aqueduct (seen above). Building the aqueduct was vital work but the ultimate purpose was to bring water to the city.

Recently we've had the the opportunity to be present in person with a few teams as they pursue clarity around accomplishing SIM's purpose. Discerning God's leading is critical. What are the options? What would be most valued in the context? What people and financial resources is God providing?

SIM teams have choices. Should they do this or that? More importantly will it accomplish our purpose? The joy we have is to facilitate team conversations to help them gain clarity about what they do and why they do it. The following are a few 'take-aways' shared following a planning retreat that we facilitated.

"The importance of focus and good stewardship is clearer to me"

"The importance of having shared team goals for long term impact in country"

"Better understanding of the vision we share for this country"

"That we are a team working together towards one vision, not individuals doing our own thing and meeting together for fellowship. This is excellent and helps us stay focused and not drift."

"Saying no is a difficult, but important part of being strategic and a good steward."

Being together!

As mentioned, the easing of travel restrictions has opened up opportunities that we have not had for the last few years. In the first months of this year we have been able to visit colleagues in 6 different locations - Germany, Switzerland, France, Kenya and a couple of places in the Middle East. In every situation our desire is to be there as learners and to encourage. In some situations we also have the privilege to facilitate conversations and decisions to sharpen focus. In all that we do our desire is to help others to effectively participate in kingdom ministry.

We also were able to spend time with the Executive Team and International Leadership teams that Phil is a part of. Being face-to-face in meetings, sharing meals and taking in a few local sights with colleagues is a real blessing. It makes future online interaction so much more effective.

Caring for ourselves!

As travel become a more routine part of our life and as some of our trips become longer we are conscious that we need to be sure to take care of ourselves and give ourselves a break. The following is recent pic taken during one of those days....

What next?

For the rest of May we are planning to:

  • spend time at a leader development event in Austria (we have been mentoring another couple and this is a long-awaited chance to be together)

  • visit Andrea's parents in Norway

In June Phil has a trip to Germany for a consultation regarding partnership for ministry in Europe, then to Malawi to facilitate team vision casting, and then to South Africa to spend time with Southern Africa SIM leaders.

Andrea is excited to continue to help prepare the way for more new workers to the Middle East. She is also working hard to help other personnel leaders grow and develop in their roles.

And we are coming into Canadian summer, finally, so we are looking forward to taking a couple of weeks off.

Family update

Our family is all doing well 

  • Cara is currently living in Barrie working at a sports medicine clinic for a co-op placement.

  • Liam has just finished university and is living with us while he looks for a job.

  • Kieran and Mackenzie are still close by, working hard and trusting God to direct their future steps.

Prayer Corner

Praise God

  • for uneventful travel to see various teams.

  • that we could stop in to see Andrea's brother and family en route.

  • that we could spend in-person time with the Executive Team and also reconnect with the International Leadership Team.

  • for the opportunity to facilitate several team planning conversations, including one in the Middle East. 

  • that Liam successfully completed his degree.

  • for the opportunity to visit Andrea's parents.


  • for stamina, health and safety for us in travel.

  • that Andrea will serve other personnel coordinators well so that SIM's workers are well cared for.

  • that those planning to go to the Middle East will have the support they need.

  • that we can be a helpful resource to the leaders we are mentoring.

  • that Phil will have wisdom for the various planning events and conversations he is facilitating.

  • for a good full-time job for Liam. 

Thank you for journeying with us,
Andrea and Phil