Raul & Jessenia Espinoza

Dear Wallenstein family,

Merry belated Christmas from the Espinozas! What a joyful time it was to celebrate our Savior’s birth and what that means for humanity!

This year Christmas was extra special for us for a number of reasons. Jessenia’s brother came to visit for a couple of weeks along with his girlfriend and then Jessenia’s parents came for a visit that extends into January. Seeing Tiago finally get to interact with his Canadian family in person after more than a year of not seeing them has made our hearts so happy.

 We are very thankful to Wallenstein for the opportunity to do the grocery hamper project with our youth! They were very participative and genuinely wanted to help those around them. When first asked about families that they knew with needs, most of our youth said they didn’t know any, but each week, as we continued to talk about it, more and more of them found they or their parents did know of struggling families. We hope this exercise will keep their eyes open to the needs of those around them. We pray too that gospel seeds will have been planted in the hearts of the families who received hampers and devotional books.

Christmas day held a beautiful surprise for us.  We have been doing a Bible study with Raul’s family for the past few months and have been praying for the salvation of his brother-in-law and step-dad. Both are VERY interested in spiritual things and our studies with them are so interactive they can last for over an hour and a half. On Christmas day, Raul’s family decided they wanted to do the Bible study in the afternoon because we were all going to be together anyway. We studied the fall of man and how God made clothes for Adam and Eve and that connection to the gospel message. Something must have clicked for Marcos- Raul’s step-dad, because afterwards he prayed to receive Christ!

Once again, we thank you for being part of our work here in Ecuador. Without your support and prayers we wouldn’t be here and get to see first-hand the wonderful ways God is moving here. We are grateful for being able to work here and have such a great support system back home.

Joyful and thankful in Him,

Raul and Jessenia

Travels with Cory

Youth Christmas outing

Bible study with Raul’s family

Gord Martin - Kenya update

Good morning, you’ve got to see this! Take a look!!

Many, many animals have been dying of thirst due to the drought.

Ishmael said, “I was touched earlier this week by  a young boy who had such a love for his goats, that on losing the mother goat to the drought,  he decided to help the baby goat with milk from a shop.”

But today, water is flowing….

Have a look at these happy animals! https://drive.google.com/file/d/1tUGa29gWDQJHCf4Uy1l4RfejML7eXL5o/view?usp=sharing

And these happy people! https://drive.google.com/file/d/13zirxQHT46-Orn1AqKWIc1Gaol-XghxG/view?usp=sharing

A big thank you to our partners, Impact Hope, who raised the funds for this VMK project!

Gord Martin

Vision Ministries Canada

145 Lincoln Road, Waterloo, ON

519-501-5933 cell


Trevor & Hannah - January 2022

MARTIN, TREVOR & HANNAH (Waterloo, ON; Power to Change) PRAISE: For the safe and healthy arrival of our baby Avery on December 16!! For a good recovery for Hannah from labour. PRAY: For our family as we continue to adjust as a family of four. For the new student leaders at University of Waterloo this semester (we have new student leaders every semester because University of Waterloo is a co-op school).

Russ & Meredith Martin - January 2022

MARTIN, RUSS & MEREDITH (Singapore; Power to Change / Lausanne Movement) PRAISE: We received approval for Russ' work pass and a two year renewal. K is joining Russ' team and will be based in Asia. Meaningful Christmas memories despite a last minute cancellation of our planned trip to Canada. PRAY: For continued outreach opportunities with N, J, V, CS. For effective engagement as Russ leads a "Social Media as a Leadership Tool" cohort for global missions leaders. That the right partners would surface to expand our global hackathon to 200 cities this year in October.

Robert & Susan - January 2022

MARTIN, ROBERT & SUSAN (Kingston, ON; Kingston Prison Ministry; MSC) PRAISE: “S” doing well, employed and slowly reconnecting with family, especially his mom. “M” completed his program in Ottawa ..transferring to Windsor halfway house. “L” back into his Bible and his study is bringing him joy. Bible study Monday afternoons with guys from the halfway house, using Survey Basic Christianity. PRAY: “B” is back inside. “K” still has not heard from his son…was recently denied parole. “J” lifer, not doing well at present. Lockdowns at present …no chaplains or volunteers so no chapel services or programs. Pray this would soon pass and we would have access again.