Trevor & Hannah - October 2021

MARTIN, TREVOR & HANNAH (Waterloo, ON; Power to Change) PRAISE: For a big Discipleship Resources Project that Trevor led, that has been completed. It is now on our P2C-students website and we pray that it will be useful for staff, students and others in making disciples. For real good turnouts to September launch events at U of Waterloo. There were 70 first year students at a rainy outdoor event!! Students are craving in-person community! PRAY: For Hannah as she is now in her 3rd trimester of pregnancy. We had a retreat for Guelph/Laurier/UW & Conestoga students October 2 at Conestoga Bible Camp with about 130 students. Please pray for students to apply what they learned to grow deeper in their faith and share Christ with others.

Russ & Meredith - October 2021

MARTIN, RUSS & MEREDITH (Singapore; Power to Change / Lausanne Movement) PRAISE: Russ got to share his testimony and the gospel with N, a Muslim friend. Heath's health is much better and he's full of 5-year old energy. Some travel restrictions have eased. PRAY: For healing, restoration and for wisdom as we work with various professionals to discern next steps with Meredith's health as she is still struggling with her immune system after her second covid shot two months ago. For effective collaboration with our teams building digital platforms for Bible translation, missions information and poverty alleviation through our Indigitous Hackathon, happening 15-17 and 22-24 with 1500+ participants in 60 cities. For opportunities to share Christ with friends (N, F, N, Q) in our apartment complex.

Gord & Heather - October 2021

MARTIN, GORD & HEATHER (Waterloo, ON; Vision Ministries) PRAISE/PRAY: God willing, Doug Loveday and I fly to Nairobi tomorrow, October 5th for two weeks of teaching and interacting with church leaders there. Praise that we have cleared all the hurdles for travel! Pray that God would use us powerfully to strengthen and encourage our brothers and sisters there. Indy, still in Burma. His father, who was very frail, passed away last week. He is now safe in the arms of Jesus.

Charlotte Martin - October 2021

MARTIN, CHARLOTTE (Guelph, ON; Power to Change) PRAISE: Many of our campus ministries were able to hold some form of in-person Summit retreats over the last few weekends. Students were able to gather for Bible teaching, training, fun and times of worship. I was able to join a day retreat with Western, Fanshawe, Brock and Windsor in Paris ON on Sep 25th. I am taking a seminary class on Global Missions this fall. Despite it being a lot of work, I am enjoying it. PRAY: We have almost finalized the locations for our 2022 mission trips. Pray that we could have them finalized and leaders for each chosen by the middle of October. Also pray that staff and students would be interested in signing up for mission trips and pray that we would have wisdom in sending mission trips safely and effectively. Pray for my own spiritual growth that I would be able to lead from the outflow of a deep relationship with God.

Esther Frey - October 2021

FREY, ESTHER (Puerto Rico; Emmaus Correspondence) PRAISE: Our chapel celebrated it's 41st anniversary starting Friday evening, Oct. 2nd projecting a film in the parking lot, and Sunday morning thanking the Lord for the testimony of a street drug addict saved by God's grace and now preaches wherever he goes. For God's help in my Zoom message Sept. 25 when 104 participated. For 10 minutes on a radio program promoting the Emmaus courses to inmates and their families; Brian was accepted as a teacher and now needs to decide whether to start in January or August of next year. PRAY: Continue to remember our postal system problems. Teamworkers are planning to help camp have a solar power system in the next few months. Our chapel building needs repairs - we are working on the second floor bathrooms that sank. It's a slow going project. We also need to replace the roof. At present asking for estimates. How to evangelize in such a restricted situation. How to reach the next generation.