Praise & Prayer

J&R K - South Asia - May 2024

J&R  (South Asia; Frontiers)  PRAISE:  We’re thankful for the success of the 125th anniversary celebrations. What a blessing to hear stories from alumni on how their time here impacted and blessed them. PRAY: Pray for our graduates who will leave school shortly - including our own oldest son! May we treasure these last weeks with him. Pray as well for our exam season, many parents put immense pressure on their children to perform well. May our students know the true source of their worth. We’re asking the Father for a few dear hearts to turn to Jesus before they move on from here - time is short!

Esther Frey - May 2024

FREY, ESTHER (Puerto Rico; Emmaus Correspondence)  PRAISE: We've had an average of 10 children at our program each Friday - our last class is May 3. We will offer DVBS in June. Gradually our bathrooms are getting done. The pastor has been doing a lot of physical work on the building. The Lord sent us a dear brother from the States to finish painting the outside of the chapel building. Received another wonderful testimony from an inmate who has been in for 33 years, and 3 years ago accepted the Lord. He is now 51 years old. PRAY:  That the Lord would prepare more leadership among the men. I sent my passport to Canada to be renewed and pray it comes back in time for my trip to Canada in July.  Invitations going out this month for June 29 Recognition of new Emmaus director. We had a camp committee meeting. Please pray that new elections for a working committee will soon take place.

Jenn Brubacher - May 2024

BRUBACHER, JENN (Listowel, YFC) Praise: Our team is celebrating the success of our annual banquet as significant funds were raised for our ministry, as we honoured and said goodbye to three of our team members, and as Mel (new satellite director) shared a fresh vision as we move into a new season. The Thursday night drop-in is faithfully serving the high school students that come, building trusting relationships and walking alongside youth as they navigate incredibly challenging situations. We’ve seen immense growth in students as they share their lives with us. PRAY: For our staff team as we move from a team of 5 to a team of 2 and make decisions about the future. There continue to be deep, deep needs within the students (and parents) who are grappling with grief, substance abuse, identity, lack of belonging, anxiety, and uncertainty/fear about the future. Please pray in particular for R and R, as it’s been a year since their mom passed away. We are a city on a hill, a bright light that shines in some very hard places in our community. May God open eyes to see the reality of His Kingdom and bring deep healing and new life. Amen.

Trevor & Hannah Martin - April 2024

MARTIN, TREVOR & HANNAH (Waterloo, ON; Power to Change) PRAISE: For at least 35 students who have made decisions to follow Jesus across Canada this school year! For 2 new young men who have put their faith in Christ at UWaterloo this school year!  PRAY: For discipleship, spiritual growth and integration into a local church for these new believers. For wisdom as we work on our summer plans and priorities.

Russ & Meredith Martin - April 2024

MARTIN, RUSS & MEREDITH  (Singapore; Power to Change / Lausanne Movement)  PRAISE: A relatively restful two weeks while the kids were on school holiday and we had a chance to get away as a family. The 2023 impact report that Meredith designed for Lausanne Movement was very well received. Plans for launching the State for the Great Commission report this month are on track. PRAY: Discernment in choosing the right school option for Wyatt for August 2024. For effective communication and creative ideas as Meredith joins a creative meeting for the congress in Korea April 8-9 with the production team. For more people to fill key leadership roles alongside Russ in the Lausanne congress for September. Specifically, customer support specialists to manage participant inquiries and a web programmer. That our kids would make deepening friendships at our apartment complex.