Praise & Prayer

Ray & Carol Jones - March 2024

JONES, RAY & CAROL (Guelph, ON; Itinerant Preaching/Teaching Ministry) PRAISE: Carol and I are very thankful to be able to keep serving the Lord and seeing Him lead, guide and provide. I just finished a month ministering on "The Ministry of the Holy Spirit in the Age of Grace" at Bethel Chapel in Waterloo. My diary is quite full but, on the urging of my family and some friends, I am trying to cut back some. We continue to be thankful for the saints at WBC and I do enjoy meeting for prayer every week.

The ministry at GBCC is going well and it looks as though we are heading for a good summer. PRAY: Carol's ongoing health is always in need of prayer. Her brother, Colin, is in poor shape in a hospital in Wales. He has had part of his leg amputated and has other serious health issues. This is very difficult for Carol and the family, of course. The Lord continues to give opportunities to speak for and serve Him so we would appreciate prayer for that.

Esther Frey - March 2024

FREY, ESTHER (Puerto Rico; Emmaus Correspondence)  PRAISE: A neighbor lady has been visiting the meetings. Her background is Jehovah’s Witness. The Lord is working in her life. Two families came to dedicate their children to the Lord. Twenty came to the seniors' activity. Teamworkers did a great job of painting the outside of the building, doing welding and plumbing jobs. PRAY:  That building jobs can be completed. March 2 three of us take a workshop from Child Evangelism on reaching children during Easter week. March 8 we have another seniors activity. March 16 the ladies meet - planning an outing. That Easter week will be used to reach out to the lost.  

Jenn Brubacher - March 2024

BRUBACHER, JENN (Listowel, YFC) PRAISE: I’m thankful for the opportunities I have to volunteer in the local high school, building relationships with staff and students, and meeting practical needs. We’re praising God for the immense healing in S’s life. Plans are already in place for the summer as we anticipate four camps: a camping trip in May, Muskoka Woods with our drop-in crew, volleyball camp and partnering with Conestoga Bible Camp for Youth Camp. PRAY: A lot of students are falling through the cracks academically, and we’ve started a homework club to walk with them as they struggle with school anxiety and homework. Pray this group grows and students feel a deep sense of safety. Please pray for the families in our community who are struggling financially, the ripple effects having huge impacts mentally and emotionally. 

Trevor & Hannah Martin - February 2024

MARTIN, TREVOR & HANNAH (Waterloo, ON; Power to Change) PRAISE: For the new believer at UWaterloo and that he will be discipled well and grow in his faith. For Hannah having a safe and great trip to Vancouver for her birthday and to spend time with some of her closest friends. PRAY: For one of Hannah's teammates who was on leave due to burnout, but is gradually returning to ministry. We met with her recently to share our experience in burnout/mental health and journey with her. For a lingering cough/congestion that Avery has been dealing with, but has been improving. For wisdom for Hannah as she considers if a shift in her role is needed.