Praise & Prayer

Raul & Jessenia - February 2024

ESPINOZA, RAUL & JESSENIA (Guayaquil, Ecuador; MSC) Praise: That Jessenia's parents were able to come for a visit. For some good Bible study sessions with young adults from our church about spiritual gifts. That our family has continued to be granted safety amidst the violence and unrest in the country.  PRAY: In the last few weeks the government of Ecuador has declared a sort of "war" against the organized crime in the country. This has set off a series of violent actions across the country and for one week we were housebound. Now things have been calming down, but we still recognize the need to be careful. Please pray for peace in the country and that the new president would have wisdom and courage to finish what he started with regards to organized crime. Pray too for wisdom and safety for our family and community and that the Lord would use all this uncertainty to bring people to Himself.

Jenn Brubacher - February 2024

BRUBACHER, JENN (Listowel, YFC) PRAISE: Our team attended the Eastern Regional conference in Montreal, and it was great to receive training and network and reconnect with YFC staff from Ontario, Quebec, and the Maritimes. With Youth Unlimited YFC and Power to Change being partners, I even ran into Charlotte Martin! This month was full of opportunities to build trusting relationships with students while coaching, on a winter camping trip, drop-in and our leadership development program. I’m thankful for small moments of growth and healing in C’s life.  PRAY: Please continue to pray for C, L, M and C as they struggle deeply with their mental health and having the hope to live. May they encounter the One who sees and knows them deeply.

Phil & Andrea - February 2024

BAUMAN, PHIL & ANDREA (Canada, International roles with SIM) PRAISE: For a great week of rest and refreshment on vacation. For commitment of SIM’s people during a week of prayer and fasting as SIM prepares for this leadership transition. Fruitful conversations for Phil with leadership team members discussing their roles and insights they can offer. PRAY: That colleagues we are mentoring would be granted a visa for an upcoming trip. For good time in the US doing the detailed work of the handover from February 12-24. That God would be honoured in the February 24 commissioning service for Phil as International Director. For Andrea as she works with a team to plan and prepare for a global Flourishing People consultation to be held in Kenya in March. For wisdom for us both as we seek to be sensitive to God’s leading at this time of change and transition.

Trevor & Hannah Martin - January 2024

MARTIN, TREVOR & HANNAH (Waterloo, ON; Power to Change) PRAISE: For the new believer at UWaterloo and that he will be discipled well and grow in his faith. For God's provision in our lives and ministry. PRAY: For one of Hannah's teammates who has been on leave due to burnout, but she may gradually return to ministry soon. For a lingering cough that Hannah has been dealing with. For Trevor as he tries to start an inter-campus online prayer meeting this semester.

Russ & Meredith Martin - January 2024

MARTIN, RUSS & MEREDITH  (Singapore; Power to Change / Lausanne Movement)  PRAISE: Nice time with our community group and family during the Christmas holidays.Meredith's design projects are giving helpful lift to the team. God's faithful provision for all of our needs. PRAY: Provision of people with specific digital skills to help Russ' team. Pray that our kids would make deepening friendships at our apartment complex. For diligence and focus as we lead our team into an intensive 2024.