Praise & Prayer

Charlotte Martin - December 2023

MARTIN, CHARLOTTE  (Guelph, ON; Power to Change)  PRAISE: There has been an explosion of applications for our Honduras mission trip in February. We have almost hit our max number and we will soon need to stop accepting applications. I enjoyed speaking at the WLU "Mission Possible" night and meeting students interested in mission trips. We have confirmed the last few mission trip directors we needed. PRAY: Pray that God would stir in the hearts of more students to apply for our four May-June mission trips (Desert Rain, Praxis Edmonton, Nations Next Door Ottawa, Vietnam). Pray that we could get all the Honduras mission trip applications processed before Christmas. Pray for a few more staff members to join our Desert Rain mission trip and Nations Next Door mission trip. Pray for a restful and restorative Christmas break.

J&R K - South Asia - December 2023

J&R  (South Asia; Frontiers)  PRAISE/PRAY: Praise for continued interest and a good turnout at the Alternative Service. Continue to pray that as these students wrestle with their questions, the Holy Spirit would be drawing them to God and they would respond to His call. Pray for stamina as we finish the semester. December 18th we fly to Canada for Christmas and J’s sister’s wedding. We’re thankful for this opportunity for family time. Pray for good rest while home. Thank you for your prayers over the ministry to these students.

Les & Sharon Frey - December 2023

FREY, LES & SHARON (Elmira, ON; Local Church)  PRAISE: Thanks to all who prayed for Les’ eye surgery which went very well. He only needs to wait till January for another prescription now that surgery has been successful. Thanks for good seniors studies started again and other preaching done. Les was asked to teach WBC kids and also an opportunity with the youth this past month. PRAY: Pray for eye surgeon Dr Iqbal who gratefully received a gospel booklet entitled “ Why Christmas?” Pray for the three bi-weekly bible studies and monthly worship meeting held regularly. Pray for preaching in Spanish and contacts personally with Spanish speakers. Pray for the marriage mentoring ministry.

Esther Frey - December 2023

FREY, ESTHER (Puerto Rico; Emmaus Correspondence)  PRAISE: For the dear Lord's help in taking care of  a dear sister while she is visiting Puerto Rico for the mF  For the month of November. For the wonderful testimony time on Thanksgiving Day. We needed a fifth member on our Camp permanent committee and the Lord supplied. PRAY:  For activities in the month of December. For camp as we seek unity.  For the Ibañez family as they make decisions. As yet they don't have permanent papers to live in the States. This is the family living in my apartment.  They are full time missionaries from Argentina. 

Jenn Brubacher - December 2023

BRUBACHER, JENN (Listowel, YFC) PRAISE: I’m thankful for our volunteer team, dedicated, caring people who long to see students experience the new life, hope and life-changing freedom in Jesus. It’s a gift to serve with them. I started coaching the senior girl's volleyball team, and I’m excited for the space to coach and walk alongside these girls over the next few months. PRAY: Please continue to pray for C, who is experiencing a lot of dysfunction and hopelessness. Please pray for the four students who are experiencing suicidal ideation this month. As the Gospel transforms us and seeps into every area of life, may students take one step closer to Jesus this month and experience the indescribable Good News that God is making all things new.