Praise & Prayer

J&R K - South Asia - May 2023

J&R  (South Asia; Frontiers)  PRAISE: For a restful week off in early April. R has taken on the Prayer Breakfast Coordinator role - students gather each week on Tuesdays to pray together for the school. For a few of our key staffing needs being met already for next year.  PRAY: For many of our expat colleagues who are navigating this country’s tax season. For the term ahead - many students will write important exams and Year 13s are preparing to leave and begin their journeys elsewhere at university and abroad. Pray that all they've learned and have had sown into them over their years here would grow in their hearts. For the groups of women continuing to meet to hear stories each week from the Word - we press on in hope that they will give their whole hearts to Jesus.

Raul & Jessenia - May 2023

ESPINOZA, RAUL & JESSENIA (Guayaquil, Ecuador; MSC) PRAISE: For a wonderful time at Cory's wedding (Jessenia's brother) and good family time while in Canada. We have found a principal for the school! We are so grateful to have now filled the position and with a person who already is very familiar with the school and who we know and trust. The school year starts May 4 and  the teachers have been having lots of devotional times along with their planning times and school leadership is encouraged to see the staff encouraged and excited for the new school year. The youth group had their week at camp and came back encouraged.  PRAY: For Maritza, the new principal, as she steps into her new role- that Raul and the rest of the leadership team would be able to be a good support to her as she learns the position and that it would be an easy transition for both her and the staff. For the students and teachers as a new school year starts. For our travels back to Ecuador May 13- that travel with our two boys would be smooth and not too exhausting so we can jump back into life there quickly.

Jenn Brubacher - May 2023

BRUBACHER, JENN (Listowel, YFC) PRAISE: I had the opportunity to join the girls’ group at the Christian Reformed Church to share my story and what I do at YFC. I continue to be thankful for the gift it is to serve within the high school, specifically in the CASE class. More and more I’m having conversations about faith, church, traditions, and trust is being built. PRAY: Pray for the former drop-in student who is facing some significant charges in court. Pray for them and their family. Please pray for the B family as they navigate job loss and financial stress, for S as they wrestle with faith and identity, and for the four former drop-in students Mel, my co-worker, was able to meet with last week. They're asking a lot of questions about faith and brokenness!

Phil & Andrea - May 2023

BAUMAN, PHIL & ANDREA  (Canada, International roles with SIM) PRAISE: Good connections at the Europe Christian Mission conference we attended, a good retreat over Easter with my Middle East colleagues, and another good retreat last week with Phil’s Executive team colleagues. Praise too for safe travel over many miles, planes, trains, and roads.  PRAY: For wisdom for Phil in meetings with SIM’s Finance leaders as he’s at their meetings in Kenya at the end of this week and beginning of next. For us as we begin mentoring a leader couple from North East India at a Leader Development event in Italy May 3rd to 14th. Pray we will build a good relationship with this couple, be sensitive to cultural differences and that we will be helpful mentors for them. And as always, please pray for safe, uneventful travel. Phil will travel to Italy from Kenya, Andrea will travel there separately next Tuesday. She has quite a roundabout route- please pray the connections all go well.