Praise & Prayer

Jenn Brubacher - April 2023

BRUBACHER, JENN (Listowel, YFC) PRAISE: 260 community members, family and friends gathered for our annual fundraising banquet, celebrating 25 years of YFC in North Perth! I’m thankful for the opportunity to continue to volunteer in the high school as I begin to coach track and field. Students, youth workers and youth pastors gather at the youth centre on Wednesdays from 10:45 am-11:30 am to pray for each other, our community and the world. It’s been a gift to come together from different backgrounds, denominations and experiences and take a step closer to Jesus. PRAY: I’ve been sick on and off again over the last month and would appreciate prayer for my overall health and migraines. We continue to navigate deep-seed conflict at junior high drop-in and need God’s wisdom, patience, grace and discernment to walk with these students and their families well. It’s been a difficult few months, yet God is not finished. Please pray for our upcoming fundraisers, Tour For Teens (biking fundraiser) and our annual golf tournament.

Trevor & Hannah Martin - April 2023

MARTIN, TREVOR & HANNAH (Waterloo, ON; Power to Change) PRAISE: For our daughter Amelia's growth in processing and regulating her emotions. Her meltdowns have become less frequent and intense. We are grateful for some Occupational Therapy sessions she received that have been very helpful. For students who have come to Christ this school year, including some at UBC! PRAY: As Hannah has been involved in our ministry at Laurier this semester, she's seen some different areas/opportunities for growth. Please pray for wisdom in how to move forward and try to address some of those areas with other staff and student leaders. For us to share Christ with our neighbours and those in our sphere of influence, especially as the weather warms up!

Russ & Meredith Martin - April 2023

MARTIN, RUSS & MEREDITH  (Singapore; Power to Change / Lausanne Movement)  PRAISE: Meredith's health has been better. Gwenyth has been making friends at our apartment complex. The community group we host Friday's at our home is going very well. PRAY: For effective development of programming of an online experience for Seoul 2024, the 4th congress on world evangelisation. That Wyatt would develop friendships at our apartment complex. For more opportunities to reach out to friends at our apartment complex, especially at Easter.

Robert & Susan - April 2023

MARTIN, ROBERT & SUSAN (Kingston, ON; Kingston Prison Ministry; MSC)  PRAISE:  T is seeking to know more of the gospel through continued one on one visits. J has had a minor conflict with the house rep on his range. He was able to exercise wisdom and walk away rather than defend himself and escalate the tension. PRAY:  R is at a halfway house and was waiting at the bus stop in the area where a shooting took place last Friday. It was traumatic and  He has had trouble sleeping since. Pray that he would seek the Lord to know protection and trust Him for each day. There will be new chaplains hired in the next few months. Pray that as these new chaplains settle into their positions that we will be able to establish positive relationships with them as we get to know them.  They are our gateway into the institutions.

Gord & Heather Martin - April 2023

MARTIN, GORD & HEATHER  (Waterloo, ON; Vision Ministries)   PRAISE/PRAY:  So, thanks for praying! My trip with Yonatan to Sudan and Ethiopia unfolded in a beautiful way. We met Eritrean refugee leaders that we hope to continue to encourage and help. What each person in a UN refugee camp gets per month to live on: 17 kg of grains, 1 kg of lentils, 1 kg of salt, and 1 litre of oil. We are piecing together partnerships and support to help. Pray that we will find a way! Indy had a heart attack about a month ago and is recovering in India. Still praying he can return to his family in Winnipeg soon. It's been three years.