Praise & Prayer

Phil & Andrea - March 2023

BAUMAN, PHIL & ANDREA  (Canada, International roles with SIM)    PRAISE: That Andrea had a good trip to Ethiopia to help the team there develop plans for their personnel team. That Phil had a good trip to Thailand for the World Evangelical Alliance Mission Commission consultation at the start of the month. That Phil finished the month with good Board and Leadership meetings in Kenya. It was great to be together with 200 SIM leaders from around the world.  PRAY:  For Phil as he spends time with a developing team from a sensitive context to help them plan their ministries. For both of us to be able to catch up on work that got delayed while we traveled. For Andrea who has to travel to Calgary for a couple days to be on an interview panel. For Andrea as she helps with training personnel coordinators for a new people management system SIM is launching. For Phil as he helps lead a review of a sports ministry that serves in many contexts.

Phil & Andrea - February 2023

Prayer for February: Feb 17th to 24th Andrea will be in Ethiopia helping the SIM team there work out some of their personnel/HR processes. Feb 21st to Mar 4th Phil will be in Kenya first for Board meetings then at SIM’s Global Assembly/Leaders’ gathering. Please pray for safe travels, good working time with the personnel team (Ethiopia) and productive Board meetings (Kenya). After Kenya Phil will be travelling to another country to help SIM’s Central Asia team with some strategic planning.

Trevor & Hannah - February 2023

MARTIN, TREVOR & HANNAH (Waterloo, ON; Power to Change) PRAISE: For various regional winter retreats across Canada that have been spiritually refreshing for students and challenging for them to share Jesus with others. For at least 10 students nationally who have come to Christ so far this school year!  PRAY: For Hannah who returned to campus ministry part-time in January after her maternity leave. Pray for her as she helps with our ministry at Laurier and disciples some women there and two new staff women in Ottawa as well. For more students to go on spring/summer mission trips this spring. Our numbers are low currently.

Russ & Meredith - February 2023

MARTIN, RUSS & MEREDITH  (Singapore; Power to Change / Lausanne Movement)  PRAISE:  Enjoyable time as Meredith's parents visited for the lunar new year holiday. Russ had very successful meetings in Ethiopia, empowering a group of leaders to expand in Africa. Emerging marketing team for Lausanne Movement. PRAY: For effective development of programming of an online experience for Seoul 2024, the 4th congress on world evangelisation. For Meredith's health, a bit of a mystery, but fairly constant pain and eczema. For new friendships with peers at our apartment for Gwenyth and Wyatt.

Gord & Heather - February 2023

MARTIN, GORD & HEATHER  (Waterloo, ON; Vision Ministries)   PRAISE/PRAY:  I am hopeful that Indy will be able to return to Canada later this month. Please pray for his safe arrival, there appears to be a viable path. He continues to be a comfort and encouragement to those injured because of ongoing war in Myanmar/Burma. Six people are preparing for baptism in the Ottawa Persian church. Yonatan, Ethiopian/Eritrean pastor in Toronto is planning to visit Sudan and Ethiopia next month to encourage and assess in the aftermath of a horrible war. He is eager for me to accompany him, I am leaning... Please pray for me in this decision.