Praise & Prayer

Esther Frey - January 2023

FREY, ESTHER (Puerto Rico; Emmaus Correspondence)  PRAISE:  Was able to have the angiography of my eyes in December but they have not called with the results.  We had 8 children at our Christmas activity, only one new one from the community.  Spent Christmas Eve with the Lopez family who have always considered me as family.  PRAY:  Saw a surgeon about right leg problems and he said a knee replacement is important to avoid falls, so made a date for April 19.  I will see my cardiologist in February.  We have been invited to an event January 14 in a park on the southeast side of the island where ex-inmates will give testimonies.  They requested a display of our courses.  Still need the Light Company to respond to my hanging wires in the lawn.  When I finally went to their office they told me the case had been closed.  I have no idea why.  Supposedly my claim is reactivated.  "Cast all your cares upon Me."

Jenn Brubacher - January 2023

BRUBACHER, JENN (Listowel, YFC) PRAISE: It's been a gift to build relationships with my senior girls' volleyball team. During the week of December 5th alone, I spent 20 hours with the team. That's 20 hours of coaching, conversations and relationship-building. Please pray for these 12 girls that they will experience the life and hope and grace of Jesus. I'm thankful for the relationships I'm building with staff and teachers at the high school. This is an answer to prayer, especially as more doors open for me to serve there. PRAY: This month was full of brutally heavy conversations with students. Stand with me in the gap as we pray for 'Georgia,' who is wrestling with identity, self-harm and an eating disorder. And for 'Owen' who is wrestling with identity, loneliness and depression. Lord, hear our prayers. Be King over it all.

Phil & Andrea - December 2022

BAUMAN, PHIL & ANDREA (Canada, International roles with SIM) PRAISE: For a great International Leadership Team retreat for Phil and the rest of the team. For the opportunity for Phil and a few colleagues to visit numerous ministry partners across the Middle East and that Andrea could join in for the last few visits. That we had a productive visit with the SIM team in Kenya to facilitate their journey toward greater focus. For safe and uneventful travel. PRAY: For Andrea as she travels to Toronto Dec 1-3 for SIM's International Health Advisory Committee annual meeting. Pray for safe travel and wise decisions. For both Andrea and Phil as they try to catch up with work that got set aside after a busy season of travel. For Cara as she completes her semester of studies. That we can enjoy time together as a family to celebrate this Christmas season.

Trevor & Hannah - December 2022

MARTIN, TREVOR & HANNAH (Waterloo, ON; Power to Change) PRAISE: For some improvement in our daughter Amelia's emotional awareness. She has had less frequent meltdowns in recent weeks. For the online evangelism that Trevor has been able to do. Some of the people are older and more stubborn, but God has been working to soften their hearts and open their minds. PRAY: For our ministry in Quebec as we are in a rebuilding phase there. There are many complex challenges in addition to ministering in a different cultural context. For our ministry to recruit more staff and labourers for the harvest.

Russ & Meredith - December 2022

MARTIN, RUSS & MEREDITH (Singapore; Power to Change / Lausanne Movement) PRAISE: 100+ Joined our hackathon in Thailand. Russ had a successful team meeting in South Africa. Meredith has been able to champion womens' ministry at church. PRAY: Pray for some breathing/lung issues that Gwenyth and Heath are experiencing. Pray for friends, L, N, I, N & A that we are reaching out to and are in the process of discovering Jesus. Pray for the provision of a marketing leader for Russ' team.