Praise & Prayer

Charlotte Martin - November 2022

MARTIN, CHARLOTTE  (Guelph, ON; Power to Change)  PRAISE:   We were able to start promoting 2023 mission trips in Oct. A video was made in Oct that captures student stories from 2022 mission trips. We will use this to prompt 2023 trips. The global missions team I lead is meeting in person for 3 days.  PRAY:  I am on the go in November. Meetings in Toronto Nov 1-3 and meetings in Montreal area Nov 14-18. I have been asked to speak about global missions at Laurier University Nov 10, UofG Nov 11, UW Nov 25. I also may be visiting some other campuses Nov 7-11 to talk about global missions. Pray that as I meet and share with students that they would care about what God is doing around the world and would desire to live on mission.  We only have 4 of 10 needed mission trip directors for our 2023 trips. Pray for staff members who are available and willing to lead trips. Pray for wisdom as I consider co-leading a trip.

Les & Sharon - November 2022

FREY, LES & SHARON (Elmira, ON; Local Church)  PRAISE:  We are thankful for the variety of opportunities to serve the Lord and His people in different groups and settings.  PRAY:  For the three Seniors Bible studies and another WBC small group we will be starting this month. Les speaks two Sundays this month in the KW area , one in Spanish.  Pray for our involvement in marriage ministry as we try to help as we can. Les also gets asked to use his puppet at WBC kids and this Nov 16 he is at a Christian school in Kitchener.

Esther Frey - November 2022

FREY, ESTHER (Puerto Rico; Emmaus Correspondence) PRAISE: Blessed time spent in Ontario and in South Carolina with family, friends and the family of God. missionary retreat in Guelph. The MSC missionary retreat in Guelph was a great experience fellowshipping with fellow workers and receiving helpful information in many areas. Visited four assemblies. Attended a great niece's wedding. Safe traveling and sharing Christ on the plane. One of the post office workers here in PR told me his father is an ex-prisoner and encouraged me to keep on with my ministry. His father dedicated his life to the Lord while in prison. PTL. I'm anxious to talk more with him. Will have testimony time 8 a.m. on Thanksgiving Day followed by a time of fellowship around breakfast. PRAY: Fiona has caused low voltage problems at the chapel which also affects the office, so we have to do the work at home and then pick up materials at the office. Heard that it will be an expensive job to fix. I also have a broken electric pole in my backyard with lines hanging. The company has too many things to fix so it may take awhile.

Raul & Jessenia - November 2022

ESPINOZA, RAUL & JESSENIA (Guayaquil, Ecuador; MSC) PRAISE:  Life has finally felt more settled into a routine and rhythm. We have been able to begin some discipleship groups with the youth and have had some encouraging and meaningful conversations with the youth attending.

PRAY: Violence in the city has flared up again in the last couple of days. Please pray that authorities would find a way to resolve the issues- corruption is embedded so deeply into so many aspects of politics that it complicates everything even more.

Jenn Brubacher - November 2022

BRUBACHER, JENN (Listowel, YFC) PRAISE: I continue to be thankful for opportunities to serve within the public high school. I just finished coaching the junior boys' volleyball team, and starting in mid-November, I will begin coaching the senior girls' volleyball team. I completed my first intensive with Arrow Leadership, which was incredible, challenging and transformative. I’m grateful for the opportunity to serve at YFC while receiving this training. A few weeks ago, we gathered our student leadership group for a hike in Tobermory. It was a gift to reconnect and kick-start our regular program. My co-worker, Ainsley, and I have been working behind the scenes, creating a devotional booklet that coincides with the Work Friends podcast. In January, we will be launching a study on spiritual practices. PRAY: Please pray for the 11 boys on the junior volleyball team that God would stir in them a curiosity about who He is and the new life that is found and met in Christ. Pray for wisdom as we navigate conflict with students who attend our drop-in program. And for God’s guidance as I partner with a class from LDSS.