Praise & Prayer

J&R K - August 2022

J&R (South Asia; Frontiers) PRAISE: Praise the Lord our paperwork came through and our visas were issued within 2 days of submission! We’ve had lots of good closure with family and friends and were able to book our flights for departure on August 1st. God’s faithfulness has been a joy to experience in these past couple weeks. PRAY: That we would finish everything on our to do lists before then. Pray for safe travel and good adjustment to our new positions. There will be much to learn and grow in as we settle into life at the school.

Ray & Carol - August 2022

JONES, RAY & CAROL (Guelph, ON; Itinerant Preaching/Teaching Ministry) PRAISE: We certainly have a lot to be thankful for! My sister passed away but before she died said that she believed. She was buried yesterday and, using modern technology, I was able to share the gospel with a packed crowd at her funeral. The summer is in full swing at Guelph Bible Centre with lots of children and young folk. Family Camps A & C are almost full with some room still for B. I am teaching the summer staff there every Wednesday evening. About twenty 15-20 year old guys and girls who appear to be enjoying the time. PRAY: Carol is doing a bit better these days but still needs prayer. She is waiting for cataract surgery. I am getting good opportunities to share the gospel, teach, preach and try to help various ones, but 'unless the LORD builds... we labor in vain...'

Les & Sharon - August 2022

FREY, LES & SHARON (Elmira, ON; Local Church) PRAISE: We are overwhelmed with God’s miraculous answers to years of prayers and recent prayers of many for our family of 20 to be able to be together for the first time in over 12 years. Cousins bonding without having ever met, meals and events together were so healing and significant. We were all able to be at the baptism of our first granddaughter and the beautifully done wedding of our first grandson, both children of Christopher who as an elder was able to officiate. I as Grandpa was asked to speak and Uncle Vince and Aunt Elena and Chris’ daughter provided praise music. Spain was where 3 of our children and 5 grandchildren were born so Spanish and English flowed freely. Preaching 4 times was like being home. PRAY: That our last two weeks in Spain meeting with family and believers and flight back to Chicago August 10 go without any glitch. That our week with Elena in Dubuque would be profitable before traveling back to Elmira August 17,18. We have several activities planned upon returning.

Esther Frey - August 2022

FREY, ESTHER (Puerto Rico; Emmaus Correspondence) PRAISE: For a well attended teen and youth camp. God's protection, and work in the lives of those who attended - staff and campers alike. The Word of Life camp is still in session, but good reports are coming from there. They have 90 campers. Had a great time with the seniors - met a man who did the Emmaus courses many years ago. He wants to start again. Lives near the office. Another day a pastor visited the office to see how he could use the courses in a discipleship program in the different churches he visits. He also did some courses many years ago. PRAY: The 50th camp anniversary was postponed to November. Brian and I will attend, Lord willing, the Emmaus Latin American directors conference in the Dominican Republic August 6-10, and I will stay for the Brethren conference, returning to PR August 14. We have been asked to report on our prison ministry work. Also remember our next seniors meeting August 19. We are still waiting for the contractor to begin working on the chapel bathrooms.

Raul & Jessenia - August 2022

ESPINOZA, RAUL & JESSENIA (Guayaquil, Ecuador; MSC) PRAISE: That we have all recovered well from Covid, and that Danilo's hospital stay ended up not being too serious. Back in Ecuador the church was able to have family camp at the beach and two Canadian families were also able to join.  PRAY:  For our family as we travel back to Ecuador August 10 and re-adjust to life there.