Praise & Prayer

Raul & Jessenia - July 2022

ESPINOZA, RAUL & JESSENIA (Guayaquil, Ecuador; MSC) PRAISE: Danilo continues to grow chubby and healthy. Tiago has adjusted well to the role of big brother. In the coming month we have several opportunities to share about the ministry in Ecuador at different churches. Back in Ecuador, the youth leaders have begun discipleship Bible studies with a handful of youth who were baptized recently. 

PRAY:  For our last month here in Canada- that the opportunities we have to connect with people would be meaningful. That God would raise up more sponsors for the school. For Ana and Lis- two El Salvadorian women who plan to come as missionaries to work at our school- that God would raise up the support they need in order to cover their living expenses in Ecuador and for their preparations this month as they leave El Salvador to move to Guayaquil.

Phil & Andrea - July 2022

BAUMAN, PHIL & ANDREA (Canada, International roles with SIM) PRAISE: For safe travel for Phil over the last month and that the cold he got while traveling was a cold and not COVID. For the time together with Directors in South Africa facilitating discussions and encouraging them to sharpen their ministry direction. That Andrea has been able to enjoy summer weather at home and not be packing suitcases. For healing for Andrea after getting COVID. PRAY: For Andrea as she seeks to balance her Middle East and Global roles. That Phil will have wisdom over the next month as he prepares several reports and proposals for presentation to SIM’s Board. For wisdom as Phil provides advice to leaders around the world. For colleagues who work in the Middle East to find housing in this area when they come home to Canada to have a baby in September. For Liam to find a job related to his degree.

Trevor & Hannah - June 2022

MARTIN, TREVOR & HANNAH (Waterloo, ON; Power to Change) PRAISE: For at least 37 students and new grads who have applied for our career summer mentorship program to learn how to integrate faith in various careers. Please pray that we can have enough mentors. PRAY: For Hannah's Teeth. She had to get a root canal, but still has pain after the recovery. Please pray for a suitable solution/resolution to this. For some of the Summer Projects Trevor is working on: Preparing for fall student retreats and enhancing the student experience on our P2C-S website.

Russ & Meredith - June 2022

MARTIN, RUSS & MEREDITH (Singapore; Power to Change / Lausanne Movement) PRAISE: Spiritual openness from Russ' friend N. Heath's health has drastically improved over this time last year. Russ has hired a project coordinator which will help improve his team's capacity. PRAY: For Russ as he leads meetings with Lausanne's global leadership in New York City, June 13-17. For safe travels as we visit Canada during July. For 200 champions to host our #HACK event in October.

Robert & Susan - June 2022

MARTIN, ROBERT & SUSAN (Kingston, ON; Kingston Prison Ministry; MSC) PRAISE: K had his parole reinstated and is encouraged that the parole board recognizes that he had in fact never breached them. PRAY: P. who was at a Kingston halfway house and attending our weekly “street” Bible study has had his parole revoked. This is discouraging and we ask you to pray that all of his extensive Bible knowledge would become a sanctifying process as well in his life. P. and I. have parole hearings in the next few weeks. Pray that restrictions to access the institutions would be lifted so families and volunteers (like ourselves) would be allowed again to reenter. Pray for Christian inmates’ encouragement in their faith as lockdowns continue and they are very much alone.