Praise & Prayer

Gord & Heather - June 2022

MARTIN, GORD & HEATHER (Waterloo, ON; Vision Ministries) PRAISE: The Ottawa Persian church is launching in-person services this Sunday June 5th. PRAY: My good friend who we have been praying for regularly for more than two years, is still stuck in Burma, he is in great danger from the war and has serious health issues. He is hoping to escape, somehow, any day!

Charlotte Martin - June 2022

MARTIN, CHARLOTTE  (Guelph, ON; Power to Change)  PRAISE:  Covid didn't impact our international mission trip participants heading overseas. I've gotten to visit 3 of the 4 mission trips. I was in Edmonton at the beginning of May, I visited the Nations Next Door trip (Guelph) for a few hours, and I'm currently in Vietnam helping with the mission trip debrief.  PRAY:  Pray for our mission trips as they wrap up this month. Pray for our international interns as they end their time overseas and transition back to Canada at the end of June. I'll be in Singapore working plus visiting my brother and his family in Singapore June 7-17. Pray for a great time with their family, and also the planning and personal development work I plan to do.

Les & Sharon - June 2022

FREY, LES & SHARON (Elmira, ON; Local Church) PRAISE: Lots of opportunities for various ministry areas and some of them new ones like future seniors bible studies in two retirement homes and a Spanish one that I will help John Giesbrecht with in Listowel for some Mexican Catholics. PRAY: Please pray for us as we plan, Lord willing, to cross to the US to visit our daughter Elena in Iowa June 22. Then we fly from Chicago June 29 with her and the four children to Spain for our grandson Kenny’s wedding on July 9. An added plus is that we would be able to be at his sister Elisabeth’s baptism. We will no doubt have opportunities for some ministry in Spain as well as see family which we have not been with in four years. We feel that the Lord can use all this for much encouragement to all. We would return home August 17 after a week in Iowa.

Esther Frey - June 2022

FREY, ESTHER (Puerto Rico; Emmaus Correspondence) PRAISE: Children's club finished well with a desire to continue. An ex-prisoner is giving his testimony in large crowds and within the prisons. The chapel roof is almost finished. We praise the Lord for no more leaks. Brian has finished his teaching year and will give fulltime to the office for the month of June. We are beginning Sunday School classes this month. Enjoyed the Homecoming Hymn Sing online. PRAY: Need teachers to help with Sunday School classes. I will be taking one group. Several of the congregation are sick, some have recently had COVID. One has been in the hospital for a week with other complications. Seniors meet June 24. DVBS will begin June 27 for a week. Pray for good leadership and attendance.

Raul & Jessenia - June 2022

ESPINOZA, RAUL & JESSENIA (Guayaquil, Ecuador; MSC) PRAISE: For the safe arrival of our second son, Danilo (Dah-NEE-loh) Stewar on May 21. We are grateful for a problem free delivery and that mom and baby are doing well. We have encouraging news from Ecuador: several youth accepted Christ at camp and will be baptized with several other new believers from the rest of the church family. Also, the school has been functioning very well these last weeks with in-person classes and the new staff who were hired have so far shown themselves to be good additions to the school team. PRAY: For continued endurance as we navigate adjusting to being a family of four. For the new Christians at our church, both youth and adults who are learning what it means to follow Christ. This time is critical for the youth as they discover if the decision they made at camp was based on emotion or whether it will stand the test of trials and worldly temptations. For the school as staff and student body adjust to in person classes again.