Praise & Prayer

Jenn Brubacher - June 2022

BRUBACHER, JENN (Listowel, YFC) PRAISE: I’m thankful for the time we had to connect with EJ, a fellow YFC staff from South Africa. We stayed and served with EJ and his wife when we took a group of students to South Africa in 2019. Our Summer Student, Eric, will be serving with us at the beginning of June. Pray for him as he makes the transition from finishing high school to serving with us. The track and field season finished well and I’m thankful for the new connections and relationships I made with staff and students. On June 24th I will be starting the Arrow Leadership program, and I’m very excited for this training opportunity! PRAY: Pray for the families in our community who have lost jobs and are struggling in finances, relationships and hope. Many students from our drop-in program have experienced significant trauma. Pray for deep healing as we continue to show them the way of Jesus. Please pray for our staff team as we switch gears and plan for summer camps and programs. We need wisdom, creativity and discernment.

Phil & Andrea - June 2022

BAUMAN, PHIL & ANDREA (Canada, International roles with SIM) PRAISE: For productive Leader Development event in Austria and concentrated time with the couple we are mentoring. For the opportunity to visit and spend time with Andrea's parents. That we can celebrate Liam's graduation on the 14th. PRAY: For Phil's travel to Germany and participation in a Europe ministry consultation (June 7-10), particularly focusing on effective partnership between organisations. For Phil's time in southern Africa (June 20-July 2) and productive conversations encouraging strategic and visionary thinking by leaders there. For Andrea as she catches up on a backlog of work from time away.

Trevor & Hannah - May 2022

MARTIN, TREVOR & HANNAH (Waterloo, ON; Power to Change) PRAISE: For at least 22 students that we know of who have committed their lives to Christ across Canada this school year. That our baby, Avery, recently turned 4 months old and has been pretty healthy overall. PRAY: For 4 mission trips that P2C is sending teams to this spring (Vietnam, Edmonton, Dessert Rain and Toronto). For wisdom in determining our spring/summer priorities.

Robert & Susan - May 2022

MARTIN, ROBERT & SUSAN (Kingston, ON; Kingston Prison Ministry; MSC) PRAISE: L has been relying on God's grace as he works through another denial at his parole board hearing. R has requested that I baptize him as he seeks to honour and obey the Lord Jesus. PRAY: L called to share with us that his heart is broken as his girlfriend returned to substance abuse. He wants the best for her in having the Lord Jesus as her Saviour. K had his parole revoked with no specific reason.

Gord & Heather - May 2022

MARTIN, GORD & HEATHER  (Waterloo, ON; Vision Ministries)   PRAISE:  Great report from Ishmael in Kenya yesterday. Amazing and unexpected provision of food and funds to feed up to 1000 people during a week of special services in a rural area. 48 people were baptized. “Everyone was kneeling and crying.” Indy is still stuck in Burma. His health is poor and the dangers are great. On Friday he was speaking to me in whispers to avoid drawing attention. Soldiers shoot into houses if they suspect anything. We are close to having worship space for a new Persian church in Ottawa. Can you help push us over the top by prayer?