Praise & Prayer

Trevor & Hannah - April 2022

MARTIN, TREVOR & HANNAH (Waterloo, ON; Power to Change) PRAISE: That our little 3.5 month baby Avery has been healthy and sleeping pretty well! For a student named Sadie from the University of Calgary who came to Christ recently and has been growing! PRAY: For Hannah's teeth as she had to have a root canal done recently and needs to have it filled. For a national scholarship program that our ministry is offering, with 43 scholarships available. Pray for many students to apply and for this process to encourage incoming students to grow in their faith and get connected into Christian community.

Russ & Meredith - April 2022

MARTIN, RUSS & MEREDITH (Singapore; Power to Change / Lausanne Movement) PRAISE: Wyatt recovered from a mild bout of COVID. Meaningful progress during Bangkok planning meetings for our global hackathon in October. The kids got off the island for the first time in three years during school break for a short holiday. PRAY: For Gwenyth and Heath to adjust well to a new school, starting April 4. For wisdom in making the right hires for 2 key roles on Russ' team. For Russ to make strategic partnerships at the Misional Artificial Intelligence conference April 6-7 in Dallas.

Charlotte Martin - April 2022

MARTIN, CHARLOTTE (Guelph, ON; Power to Change) PRAISE: We have finalized the 4 mission trips that will be happening in May. Borders are open for our 2 international trips. Students have begun fundraising. Recently our DR partnership was able to host a training retreat - 20 Christian students from 7 different cities came to be equipped in their faith. PRAY: For all the details (fights, visas, fundraising and so much more) that need to come together for our 4 mission trips happening in May. Plan for my team as we start talking about plans for next year.

Les & Sharon - April 2022

FREY, LES & SHARON (Elmira, ON; Local Church)  PRAISE:  Sharon and I are thankful for health and many opportunities to serve the Lord. Praise for a tough leadership issue in Spain solved last weekend.  PRAY:  April 30 we have a marriage mentor training time. Pray for new couples to register.  This month of April brings back a biweekly bible study and also a hymn playing by my sister Marlene and I at Chartwell.  Pray for the Spanish, seniors and pastoral care ministries which continue.

Esther Frey - April 2022

FREY, ESTHER (Puerto Rico; Emmaus Correspondence) PRAISE: Brian's help in the office has given me time to do other things, even preparing for the children’s club. Children's club has 18 registered, mostly new to us. A mission group from the States painted our chapel fence which enhances the surroundings in the community. My visit to the cardiologist was encouraging - wait 8 months to see me again! PRAY: Still waiting for repairs to get started on the chapel bathrooms and roof. Special service Good Friday. How to continue with the children after the series we finish on the 8th. Seniors meeting the 25th. Child Evangelism missionary from the assemblies in Argentina returning to Puerto Rico April 11.